I had a doctor's appointment today and it went well. I don't think I gained any weight this time but that could be due to the fact that I spent all of Monday night throwing up (and more). I think I gained five pounds today though because Lance and I went to Mellow Mushroom for lunch. I am always excited to eat there but then ALWAYS regret it afterwards. The baby's heart beat sounded great. I could tell she had moved down some because the doctor had to move the doppler down lower than usual to find the heart beat. She said that was a good thing : ). She asked if I had any questions...I said I do not really have a question but I am going to tell you that I am going to Florida for a wedding next weekend. She was ok with that...she said to just stop often to get out and walk around...I already knew that. Now I am super excited to go to Florida and enjoy my cousins wedding...I can't wait!!
Less than seven weeks to go...YIKES!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Is it a boy?
Being pregnant gives everyone, even strangers, the opportunity to give you their advise or opinions. People always comment on how high or low I am carrying the baby. Even in the exact same outfit on the exact same day. Who's to say if I am carrying high or low or if it is a boy or girl? The most recent thing that has been happening is people commenting on how I am carrying this baby all in the front..."it must be a boy" they are all saying. Well, if that is the case I am going to have a little boy who is all dressed in dresses and pink for a while. I hope he doesn't mind.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Long Weekends
I love long weekends. It is so relaxing when you realize on Sunday that you do not have to go to work the next day! This weekend was nice and relaxing for us. Friday night was just a quiet night at home. Saturday I got my haircut, went to my cousin, Celeste's, high school gradutation party, and then had dinner at Chops with Lance. We figured we don't have too many nights left to do something alone so we had a date night. I had a gift card to Buckhead Life so we lived it up. After dinner we went down to Atlantic Station to go to Stone Cold Creamery for dessert...but it was WAY to packed to be enjoyed so we left and went to Bruster's. We ran in to some college friends there which was fun. Sunday and Monday were both relaxing and quiet days at home. We ventured out to the pool for a little while both days. The water is still freezing!! Anyways, the weekend is almost over so I am going to enjoy laying around for a little while longer. I have definitely started to notice myself slowing down and getting tired faster.
Thursday, May 24, 2007

I went to Virginia yesterday for work. It was just a day trip so it was packed full the whole day. Virginia was beautiful as always. We had a Grand Opening for one of our properties which went really well and then I visited another property that is under construction. The new one under construction is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see the end results of it.
Anyways, as I was flying home I was looking down on the clouds and realized how amazing it is to see something like that. Never in your life do you get to see the top of the clouds unless you are in a plane. It is so sad that some people never get to see that! No matter what the weather is like below the clouds, above them it is sunny blue skies and beautiful. I am so lucky to get to see God's creations from that high.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Smoky and Smoggy
What a nasty day outside. It might be pretty if it wasn't so smoky and smoggy. I can't believe the smoke from the fires is blowing all the way up here...again...and I can't believe the fire is still burning. Hopefully God will let it rain real hard down there soon so they can put those out!! I can't imagine what the people down there are smelling. It smells like the fire is just around the corner here. To top the smoke we are in smog season so no one will be outside running today.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Weekend Review
We had a good weekend this past weekend. Friday night we didn't really do much. I did laundry, made dinner, and we caught up on some of our shows. Then we decided to watch "Happy Feet" but I fell asleep as usual. Saturday morning we went to Chick-fil-A for breakfast. We don't do that very often so when we do it is a nice treat. Then Lance's sister had a baby shower for us. It was our first shower. His sister did a really nice job and we received a lot of great things for the baby. After the shower we went home and dropped everything off at the house. We had planned to go to the Bluegrass Festival so we got directions and headed out. First we went to dinner at Five Guys Burgers. I had read a review in the Cobb County Magazine that it was really good and there was one close by our house. Everything there is fresh and made to order. It was pretty good...really fattening...and possibly heart attack inducing...but we enjoyed it. Then we went off to find the Festival...when we drove by the first time it didn't look like any one was there so we thought we were in the wrong place. When we realized we were in the right place we decided not to go because it didn't look like what we were expecting. So we went to the mall to walk off our dinner and then went to Brusters to add some back on. When we got home we put together the Play Yard we received as a gift at the shower...it was harder than you would think...definitely harder to put together than the crib. Sunday was just a normal day. Went to church in the morning, took a nap, Lance did yard work, and I went to the grocery store. Nothing too crazy. We don't have many more weekends to ourselves so we need to enjoy these times while we can.
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Price is Right

I remember watching "The Price is Right" when I was little. I vividly remember watching it at our neighbors house during the summer. My mom was in school so the girls and I had a babysitter named Jill. Jill would take us to her house on days we didn't go to the pool and we would watch "The Price is Right". We would always call out the "Barker Beauty" that we wanted to be that day...luckily there was always three of them to choose from. Of course we all wanted to be Holly because she was the prettiest (she is the one with the dark hair in the picture). Anyways, Bob Barker has officially retired and I saw these hilarious out take videos from the show.
Click on this link to view the videos:
Out Take Videos
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dave FM
Yesterday on my way to yoga from work I was flipping the channels on my radio (which is very rare). I clicked on Dave FM and "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" was playing. I love this song. It takes me back to when I was younger...I actually think I remember dancing to this song for a recital or competition. It turns out that every afternoon from 5:00-6:00 Dave FM plays 80's music. How fun is that? It is like reading a really good book...one that you get lost in and can get away from what is going on in your real life. It takes you back and reminds you of how simple life was when you were younger. Snap back to reality though when the DJ announces that Danny Wood turned 38 yesterday. Who you ask? Danny...from New Kids on the Block. I realized that NKOTB (as they were later known) was popular EIGHTEEN years ago...oh my gosh...how could it have been that long ago. I remember them like it was yesterday...except I was nine years old then. How did time go by so fast? Moving on to 7:15 last night on my way home from yoga...Dave FM was playing ALL Michael Jackson songs. I don't know how long that went on but I heard three songs by MJ in between commercials and talking. I heard Thriller and Billie Jean...what great songs! I felt like I should start moonwalking...
Monday, May 14, 2007
1) Not many times will you hear me say this but I am glad it is Monday. I need my Yoga!
2) I am so grateful to have an amazing husband. He is such a hard worker and I appreciate everything that he does for us. He is such a strong and confident person. I am so lucky!!
3) As I said in my profile, I am grateful to be able to learn lessons from my Sunday school kids. This week it was not necessarily anything they did but from the lesson I was teaching them. From Galatians 6:9, Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Basically it was teaching them not to give up, God will help them to start again. So many lessons can be learned from that. You reap what you sow.
4) I had a doctors appointment today. I only gained a pound and a half which is perfect! My blood pressure was normal...which was surprising. haha...It is always normal but like I said...I need my Yoga!!
Happy Monday!
2) I am so grateful to have an amazing husband. He is such a hard worker and I appreciate everything that he does for us. He is such a strong and confident person. I am so lucky!!
3) As I said in my profile, I am grateful to be able to learn lessons from my Sunday school kids. This week it was not necessarily anything they did but from the lesson I was teaching them. From Galatians 6:9, Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Basically it was teaching them not to give up, God will help them to start again. So many lessons can be learned from that. You reap what you sow.
4) I had a doctors appointment today. I only gained a pound and a half which is perfect! My blood pressure was normal...which was surprising. haha...It is always normal but like I said...I need my Yoga!!
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Daycare Hunting
Looking for a day care is not fun or easy...but it must be done. The first place I looked has been my favorite so far. Two of the places definitely left something to be desired. The other place was nice but I just felt more comfortable in the first one. I will take Lance with me to look at these two front runners to see how he feels. Hopefully we can make a confident decision after that.
Sooooo hard..............
Sooooo hard..............
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Questions...The Comments...
"Wow, You're getting big"
What does that mean? Am I supposed to take that as a compliment? What do you say in response to that? Thank you...I know...Ouch!
"Are you excited?"
Um...excited is probably not the word I would use. Terrified...Anxious...Nervous...Emotional...Happy...Stressed...Those are more like it.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Hard Worker
Lance is such a hard worker. I am so proud of the work he does. He has had to work so much this week and has hardly complained about it. I hope that he can get everything taken care of at the office before the baby comes so that he can take some time off with me with out having to worry about things there. Thanks for being such a hard worker Lance!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
The Bathroom
I have been to the bathroom four times today already...and it is not even 11:00. Is this what I have to live with the next couple of months??