Monday, June 18, 2007

Busy Weekend

Friday afternoon my office had a baby shower for me and Lance. It was great. They did a great job putting everything together and we received some amazing gifts. We have almost everything we need now!! I can't believe it...and with only four weeks to go.

Friday night we went to dinner and then went over to Babies R Us to take a look at what else we need. We have tons of gift cards to Target and BRU so we figured out how best to spend them...which we will do this coming weekend. We ended up buying a glider on Target online...hopefully that will ship to us soon.

Saturday we had our childbirth class all day...9-5!!! It was a long day but I think it was mostly worth it. It calmed some fears we both had...and maybe created some new ones ;). No, it was a good class and it helped us make some decisions we hadn't really thought about before.

Sunday we went to church where my UpStreet team and class had a baby shower for me. It was so sweet and they did a great job. We got some great things at this shower as well. Then we had to divide and conquer for Father's Day since our weekend was so busy. Lance had dinner with his family in Cumming and I had dinner with my family at Perimeter. My family met at Cheeseburger in Paradise. I had never been there but it was super cute. They had great decor and a fun atmosphere.

So it is Monday again...time is flying by! Luckily this weekend will not be so busy. We just have to finish getting prepared for the baby because we will not have another weekend available before she is born.

Have a great week!

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