Monday, June 4, 2007

So many things

My girlfriends had a baby shower for me yesterday. It was wonderful and we received so many great gifts. It is amazing how much this tiny little person needs. As Lance and I were going through everything last night we could not believe all of the stuff we have. There is no way we could provide all of this with out the help of our friends and family! There is still so much to buy but we are definitely started off on the right foot. We realized last night that we only have six weeks to go and that is so little time to finish preparing!!

We finally picked out a day care this past week. I sent in our enrollment form this morning. What a hard decision! Putting the envelope in the mail was am I going to leave her in some one else's care that first time? I just have to trust that this is the right thing to do for now. One day I will be able to stay home.

Only three days of work this week...hooray!!

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