Monday, June 11, 2007

We're back!

We are back from Florida. It was a very nice and relaxing trip. Thursday we were able to spend some time with Lance's family in Jacksonville and then we drove over to Tampa that evening. We hadn't planned on getting to Tampa until Friday but the hotel had room for us to come on Thursday so it was perfect. We spent the entire day at the beach on Friday. Lance fried in the sun even though he sat under the umbrella most of the day...he wasn't very good at applying sunscreen. The funniest and most entertaining part of our time at the beach was when we were eating lunch a bird flew down and took a bite out of Lance's sandwich. He was none to happy but looking back it was pretty funny! That evening we went to dinner with my cousin' was a kid dinner...the adults wanted to have dinner alone. We learned that we will always be part of the "kids table" even when we have our own kids. We are totally fine with that because I love being around my cousins. Saturday we spent most of the day by the pool and then attended my cousins wedding. It was beautiful and perfect! I will post pictures from this weekend soon.

After a long drive home yesterday we realized that the air conditioner upstairs was not working. We slept downstairs to stay cool but we both slept horrible. Hopefully Lance can get some one out to the house to take care of the AC...and hopefully it will not cost too much money!

This morning I had a doctors visit. Every thing is great...and I didn't gain too much weight on vacation. The baby's head is pointing down which is perfect. The doctor actually let Lance feel her head today. Pretty cool! I have my next appointment in two weeks and then I will start going once a week after that! Time is flying by and it is pretty scary! We have our childbirthing class this is going to be like going to work because it is from 9-5.

This is going to be a long week. I had two three day weeks in a row. Putting in a five day week and then an all day class on Saturday is going to be painful!

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