Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No Matter What

She loves me.

If I am grumpy,

She wants to play.

If I am sad,

She smiles at me.

If I am moody,

She snuggles up to me.

If I am happy,

She runs (or crawls really fast) to me.

If I am laughing,

She laughs with me.

She loves me.

No matter what.

March for Babies

Finally, here are some pictures from the March for Babies we did this past weekend. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful walk. Reese was making friends all of over the place. We started at Centennial Park and made our way towards Piedmont Park and back. We got to see the damaged caused by the tornado last month. It was neat to see the city at such a slow pace. Usually we are flying through it (unless we are sitting on Peachtree) and don't get to appreciate much of it. I am glad we particpated in this walk. It was fun to spend the morning outside with Lance, Reese and my sister.

Me and Becca ready to walk

Team AGG

Damage from the tornado to the Westin...look how high the windows were broken!!

Walking through Piedmonth Park

Lance, Becca, and Reese waiting to cross the street outside the Georgian Terrace

The four of us after the walk

Shorts that Reese will NEVER be allowed to wear!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Some Fun

I was playing with some photos last night because I wasn't that are the results.

A pretty bird from my parent's house.

So sweet in her pink dress.

My pretty ballerina.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Reese has learned how to play Peek-A-Boo. However, she usually misses her eyes. It is too cute though...check it out.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Nine Month Check-up

Today was Reese's nine month check-up and two shot day. Today she weighed 20 lbs, 6 oz (70-something percentile), is 28 1/4 inches long (70-something percentile), and her head is 18 inches around (91 percentile). She has definitely slowed down her growing and I think her weight has slowed because she is moving around so much now. They pricked her finger first and tested her iron and did a lead test. She was not happy about them pricking her finger. After the prick, they gave her two shots. Even more unhappy now. The nurse left the room and then came back in and Reese started crying again. She didn't want that mean old nurse near her. Poor baby has had a rough day after such a busy weekend!

On Friday night Lance's cousin Claire came to visit with us. She was coming in town for a bachelorette party so she spent time with us as well. Saturday my mom and I had a wedding shower for my best friend from high school, Adrienne. It was fun and went off pretty well. Lance and my dad took Reese to her first Georgia Tech football was a practice game. Then we spent the evening with my parents. Sunday we went to church as normal and then Lance's parents and nephew, Dalton, came over to visit with us and Claire. It was a family filled weekend!

Reese with Daddy at GT

Claire and Reese

We put Reese down in the grass and she acted like such a girl...she didn't want to put her hands or feet down in the grass.

Then she got adventerous

Looking cute!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Picture Stories

Here are some stories through pictures.
I found Reese like this the other morning. On the left side of the picture you can see her "aquarium". Before I moved her mattress down she would turn it on all of the time because it was so close to eye level. Now she turns it on occassionally. This particular morning I found her with it on and she was watching it like a TV. She was leaning up against the side of the crib and looked too cute not to photograph.

Puppy Reese. Since she has been trying to cut those top two teeth she carries everything in her mouth. She looks like a puppy when she is running through the house.

Some afternoons she sleeps really hard. She slept for two hours before I took this picture. She was so sweaty when I got her out of bed.

We had to get Reese a new carseat this past weekend. She was getting too big for the infant carrier. I think its max was 22 pounds and 30 inches or so. I am not sure how tall she is but she is definitely creeping up on the 22 pounds mark!

And she loves it! The first few days we had it she fell asleep almost every time we put her in it. She doesn't fuss as much any more when I am trying to put her in the car. I think she really loves all the extra space she has. The only problem is there is no where to hang toys from so she gets bored after she throws her toys down.

I bought her some new bows the other day. This one lasted less than a day. Some how she threw it out of her stroller while we were at the park with out me knowing. The next lap around I looked for it but it was no where to be found. A dog must have found it.

I bought her some food that has chunks in it. She didn't hate it but she wasn't quite sure what to think. She ate it all so it must not have been too bad. Here she has a small carrot stuck to her face.
Reese will be nine months old tomorrow! Wow!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Teeth

Reese has finally cut her top teeth. The right one is definitely through the gums and the left one could be...I can't tell yet. Hopefully we can get back to our normal sleep routine now. Cutting teeth is a lot of work and keeps Reese up during the night!! I will try to get some pictures of them to share as soon as I can snap one!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Pictures, As Promised

These are pictures that my mom has taken recently. I can't remember when the first two are from. The second two are from Easter.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good Bye Old Friend

You were caring. You were comforting. You were loved. You were strong. You were used a lot. You were there when I couldn't be. You were gracious. You were kind. You will be missed. But don't worry. We will see you again some day.

We have retired the swing for the time being. Reese is too big for it now. It was definitely a life saver and we loved it!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fun Day

I had a fun a day today! I was supposed to meet up with my girlfriend Kristin today but she called yesterday and said she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get us she cancelled. Well this morning she called, feeling much better, and said her sister and niece were going to be coming to her house and invited us to join them. We went to lunch at Atlanta Bread Company...which was WAY too expensive but yummy. We had some great conversation catching up on each others lives. After lunch we went to the park. It was the typical inner city park built in the middle of asphalt. There were inmates cleaning up around there too...that was weird. We found out that they were not hard criminals but that still did not ease our worries any. I am not sure inmates cleaning a childrens playground is such a great idea. But Kendall and Reese loved playing on the playground so we enjoyed it. After a few minutes of playing we went for a walk on a connecting path to the Silver Comet Trail. This led to more fabulous conversation. It was great spending time with my friends...even though I fried in the sun...good thing Reese had sunscreen on.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Work Hard, Play Hard

We have been busy working hard around here!! This past week we have painted the living room and dining room and we completely cleaned up outside. We planted flowers and shrubs, laid pine straw every where, cut the grass, and probably a ton of other stuff I am forgetting. We had an agent caravan (similar to an open house but for agents) on Tuesday so we wanted to get things situated nicely for that!! Lance put in a ton of time and effort in to getting most of this done. He worked hard so he is getting to play hard today. He is at the Masters Practice Round today with some people he does business with.

Before: The backyard after the monsoon came through...we have a lake in the back yard...and what looks like a mudslide

After: The lake has dried up...and you have to appreciate all of the pine straw on the hill!

My work around the front tree...there were more flowers...they died during the snow!

Now for play...

We had to move the mattress down in the crib after this stunt...

Tornado Reese...I love to pull everything out of the basket and chew on the nail clippers

Our new view

Those sweet eyes...I can't count the number of compliments I have received on her eyes...if we could get a dollar for every time we would have her college paid for by now!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Accident Prone

Now that Reese is crawling around she is very accident prone. She has run in to the same corner of the same wall at least five times. She has a bruise on her left cheek and a scratch and bump on the side of her head from these collisions. We might need to bubble wrap the entire house like the new Snapple Water commercial.

When Becca was little she would trip over chalk lines...Reese could very easily be the same way!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bridal Shower

I am throwing a bridal shower for a friend in two weeks...RSVPs are due tomorrow...I only have 11 replies out of 25 invitations sent. I almost always (unless I just honestly don't know if there is a conflict) RSVP immediately. How about you? One of my pet peeves is people who don't RSVP at all. And then an even bigger one is people who don't RSVP and then show up!! Obviously they have never planned any thing before. I think it should be ok to call those people out at the party. Especially when it comes to food. When it is time to eat tell them they will have to be last in line just in case there is not enough food for everyone! Haha!! They shouldn't get a party favor either. Maybe I am just being mean...

Thursday, April 3, 2008


It is fun to get Reese to laugh by tickling her or playing with her but it is funny when she just laughs on her own. She has a new thing where she practices laughing. I hear her doing it while she is playing or just riding in the car. Too cute and oh so funny.