Thursday, July 30, 2009

We are on Day #2 of...

...being LAZY...don't tell my husband!!

Reese has been watching TV all morning...Mommy has been sitting at the computer looking up cars..and such.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Birthday Party #2

Yesterday we had our immediate families over to celebrate Reese's birthday. We had pizza and cupcakes, opened presents and took tons of pictures. Here are the highlights...

Opening presents...

She got a drum to bang on...

And some Princess costumes to dress up in...

A Cozy Coupe to drive around in...

A tricycle to ride around on...

She blew out her candles this time...

Trying on her shoes...

Being silly...

We had a fun day and Reese got lots of fun, new toys!!! Thank you families for helping us celebrate.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Not as planned

As we know, our days don't always go as we plan them. God is certainly in charge and we only think we get to make the decisions. This morning I went to a Children's Boutique Warehouse Sale thanks to the heads up from this blog. I was so excited about going and getting some cute clothes for the kids. And I did. I bought Reese three outfits and Baby Cupcake one...that was the ratio of girl to boy clothes available, too. Anyways, as I was buying my last outfit I got a call from Lance (after him trying me five times) saying that he and Reese had been in a car accident. As a mommy and wife that call was terrifying. I could hear the commotion in the background of people talking and Lance's shaky voice. I felt so helpless and wanted all information at once. I asked him if they were ok and he said he thought so. All I wanted to hear was yes. Luckily, I had his car for the day and they were in my mom's car (we have been driving it for a couple of weeks because we turned in my lease and were in the process of looking for a new car or buying her car). She has a Grand Cherokee and Lance has a Passat. If they had been in his car things could have been a lot worse!! I immediately left the sale to go home. Lance was headed to help a friend of ours out with some things around his house and was close to their house. They were able to pick Lance and Reese up and take them home. Once I got home I got the full details and gave Reese a hug. She started crying and said, "Fireman scare Reese-y". Lance said the only other time she cried was when he turned around and asked her if she was ok. He probably scared her more than anything. The paramedics checked her out and said she was fine. She only has a little abrasion on her neck from the seat belt which means it did its job. One of our friends is a nurse (the same family Lance was headed out to help) so we took Reese over to her and just had her do a quick run down on Reese to make sure she was ok too. Reese has been her happy jovial self today so we know she is fine! Lance just feels a little sore in his shoulder and hip...I am sure they will both be a little more sore tomrrow. We are so blessed that they are both ok and safe!!

Here is the damage...Lance said he wished it would have knocked the Georgia tag off...

After the excitement of the morning we continued our day as "planned". Reese had a birthday party to attend so we headed over there to help celebrate the birthday girl. Then we went to Babies R Us and bought some things to begin potty training. We will see how that goes soon enough!! Be on the look out for updates. It should be fun!!

Wedding Dance

I am sure a lot of you have seen this already. I don't know how real it is but if it was that is pretty stinking funny. Check out this wedding entrance on You Tube.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two Year Pictures

Today I took Reese to have her two year old pictures taken. This little two year old was not having it. She did not want her picture taken and did not want to cooperate. Finally the girl figured out that Reese loves to throw the ball so she started playing a game with her and got some smiles. Here are the scanned copies of the pictures so they are not the best quality. I didn't spend enough this year to get the CD...I am sure Daddy is happy about that. Yes, grandparents, sisters, great-grandparents, you will be getting a copy of the pictures.

Playing catch...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two Year Check up

Yesterday Reese had her two year well visit with Dr. B. She was so good the whole time we were there! And she has grown so much. She is 34 3/4 inches tall and weighs 32.4 lbs. She is definitely my little chunky monkey but she is a sweet chunky monkey. If it is true that you double your two year olds height in inches to figure out how tall she will be when she is fully grown, Reese will be 5' 8". That is taller than me! She got her MMR shot yesterday, too. That was not fun but she has tolerated it well. I really did not want to do that shot but knew I had to at some point so we got it over with. I was keeping Reese's favorite girls yesterday too so they had to go to the doctor with us. They stayed in the waiting room while I took Reese back. The whole time we were back there Reese kept saying, "See Sarah Buggy" (that is two separate girls...she just doesn't use 'and' yet). I think that was the only thing that kept her going while we visited with the doctor. The nurse finally asked me what she was saying so I told her. She was surprised at how well Reese was talking. As soon as her shot was done I told her we were going out to see the girls and she stopped crying immediately. She loves those girls. She got to play with them all day and was in heaven. They played in the playroom, played outside, watched Nemo, and played with Play-doh. What more could she ask for?

Today Reese has been really sweet. We did a make-up gymnastics class today since we missed last week and then we went to the grocery store. After we got home Reese went in to the playroom and said, "Reese make mess", and I told her OK. She opened the toy box and made a huge mess. I am pretty sure she has never made a mess this big before! I think she had fun doing it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Booty Snacks...

Reese's ghetto Aunt Becky taught her the song, "Apple Bottom Jeans". This video cracks me up everytime I watch it. If you know the words to the song, it is even funnier. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Birthday Party

Today we had Reese's 2nd birthday party for a few of her close friends. We had a beach themed party where the kids played outside in their bathing suits in the kid pool, played with the sand and water table, and played on the slide. The weather was amazing today. I am pretty sure it was 20 degrees hotter last year on Reese's birthday. Here are a few pics from the day...

This morning I made Reese some muffins and Lance and I sang "Happy Birthday" to her. I gave her some candles to practice blowing out before her party. She did great blowing these out.

This is the cake we had for her party. A girl we go to church with makes some of the most amazing cakes and she didn't disappoint with Reese's birthday cake!!

Here are some of the kids in the pool.

Reese is trying to blow out her candle here. She couldn't do it this time so Mommy gave her a little help...she was starting to spit all over the cake.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Reese!!

Two years ago today our sweet baby girl was born. I can't believe it has already been two years. What a special gift she has been. We love her so much and can't imagine a day without her!!

On her Birth day.

One year old..she still gets this messy when she eats.

Two years old..can you believe how much her hair grew in a year?? It is actually really long but because it is so curly it looks like it falls on her shoulders.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Destin Highlights

We are back from our beach vacation to Destin. The weather was beautiful most of the time and we were able to enjoy the beach everyday. The ocean was a little rough most days but we were able to take Reese out in the water a couple of times. One day it was so calm that she wanted to flex her independence and float on her own...with her floaties of course. It took Reese a day or so to really get comfortable with the ocean but she eventually had a blast. However, I think she would have been just as happy if we had stayed at the pool all day, every day. After about 30 minutes (max) at the beach she would go up to one of us and say, "Reese go pool". She would eventually wear someone down enough to take her.

Here are some highlights from our trip.

Playing in the water.

Monday night we went to Baytowne Wharf in Sandestin for dinner and shopping. Reese fed the fish in the lake.

A Big Chair

More and more comfortable

Thursday night we went to Pampano Joe's for dinner. It was so crowded and we had to wait about 45 minutes to eat but well worth it.

Leah, me and Becca

Throughout the week there were moments like these...

and these...

but sweet moments like these made up for them.

Overall we had a nice time at the beach. We just have to figure out how to get Reese to sleep in her own bed and take naps when we are out of town. After a long drive home today, we were so worried about Reese going to bed tonight. When I was about to lay her down she asked me to sing her some songs (that is how I would get her to go to sleep at night and try to get her to nap). I sang her one song. Because I knew we could be there all night I offered to turn on one of her CDs while she layed in bed and she went to bed with out a fuss!! I am sure she is pooped from the week and I hope that getting back in to our normal routine is as easy as bedtime was tonight.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Cupcake Update

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. First of all I have to say how good Reese was while we were there. I usually have her in her stroller and give her a snack but yesterday I forgot to take her stroller out of Lance's car. So she had to be a big girl and sit in the chair...and she was perfect. No one would have even known she was there. Back to the appointment. It was a quick and easy one...listen to the heartbeat and measure my tummy. The doctor put the doppler (don't know if that is the right term) on my belly to find the heartbeat. With Reese it was always found quickly and with this one so far it has been the same. But yesterday it took FOREVER to find the heartbeat. If I hadn't been feeling little Cupcake running around in there I would have freaked out! But he was moving so much that you could actually see my belly move, you could hear his swishing around, and the doctor could not find his heartbeat. After several minutes he finally tracked the little guy down and got the heartbeat. As soon as he found it Baby Cupcake kicked right where the doppler was. He was not in the mood to be poked yesterday!!

Last night he was moving around quite a bit so I tried to let Lance feel him because he hasn't been able to so far. When Reese saw Lance put his hand on my belly she started crying and said, "No, Mommy's Cupcake!" It was so funny. She apparently doesn't want Mommy to share Baby Cupcake with anyone.

Lastly, I think the name is done...Lance called Baby Cupcake the name I wanted last I think he has settled on my name...we shall see.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And one year later...

There was me!! My dad had recently finished Chiropractic School, had just moved to a beautiful old town (Madison) and was planning to open his own practice. I was due to arrive in late June but decided to wait...until July 7th...when my dad was going to open his doors. His opening day was delayed in order for me to make my grand apperance. Apparently 29 years ago they kicked you out of the hospital fast because he was able to have his grand opening on July 9th. Thanks Mom and Dad for sharing your anniversary with me. I am sure you would have rathered been able to celebrate your anniversary every year instead of having a birthday party for me but I never once felt that!!! It was always my special day.

30 years ago today...

My parents got married!!!! Happy 30th Anniversary to the best parents in the world!!!

I have their wedding picture around here somewhere but with moving all of the rooms around to get Reese's big girl room ready I can't seem to find it! If I find it, I will post it.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July

I love the Fourth of July! I am not sure what it is about it...maybe because it is summer, everybody is celebrating, cooking out, and having fun. I remember when we were younger (before we got too old and too cool) hanging out in our cul-de-sac with all of our neighbors, cooking out, playing with sparklers, and having the best time.

Yesterday the three of us started our day at the pool. We spent a couple of hours there playing hard, eating lunch, and playing hard again. Reese loves the pool and loves playing on the stairs with all of her toys, jumping and "swimming" to mommy or daddy. After the pool Reese took a good nap and woke up in a foul mood. We were heading to some friends house and were hesitant of her behavior. I told her where we were going and that she had to be sweet. When we got there she snapped right out of her funk and loved following around the big girls.

We had dinner, ate some cupcakes, the kids (and Dads) played with water balloons, and played with sparklers.

After the cookout we went to Roswell High School where they have a fireworks show. They had a band, jump houses, and all sorts of junk any kid would love to have. Reese loved dancing with the music while the big girls played in the jump houses.

The fireworks started around 9:30 or so. Reese wasn't sure what to think at first. Her eyes were wide open and taking it all in.

We finally got home around 11:00 or so with a wide eyed girl. She had so much fun during the day she wasn't so sure about going to bed. We had a great day with some great friends and were so glad to spend time with them!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mommy Fail

Today is Friday. We have gymnastics on Fridays. Every Friday. For the past six months we have been doing this. How in the world did I forget that we had gymnastics today? I have no idea but I did. I chatted on Facebook chat this morning with a friend we met at the library and she asked if we had any plans today. I said I had planned to clean but that can always wait. So we planned to meet at the park 45 minutes 10:00...when gymnastics is supposed to start. I don't know what happened but since I can totally use this excuse right now I will...I blame it on being pregnant and not being in my right mind!!

We had a great time at the park though!! Reese of course wanted to swing almost the whole entire time. She really could swing for hours...which is a good workout for my arms. It beautiful this morning so I am glad we made it outside. I guess I will do a make-up class next week for gymnastics.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Reese will officially start preschool in the fall. I finally went by the church near our house today and registered her. We checked out one of the two year old rooms and she had fun looking through the toys and books. I imagine the first couple of days will be hard for her...and me...but she will love going. Each person that I have talked to about this particular school has had great things to say about it. This will give me some time during the two days a week that she is there to get things ready for the baby and then spend time with the baby once he is here. And it will give her some big girl time with out the baby and Mommy, too. I am definitely a little nervous about this next chapter because I can't believe she is already old enough to go to school. Time has gone by so fast!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Reese in her matching outfit. The shoes are flip flops and she just couldn't make them work so she ended up in her blue Crocs after her picture.

"Daddy, why are you taking my picture?"

"What, Mommy, I am just being a sweet girl and coloring while you are on the phone with Aunt Becky?"

The Pringles duck. I showed her how to do this and she thought it was so funny and wanted to try herself.

Paci update: Reese has been so great going to bed without her paci. She hasn't even asked for it for a couple of nights!! One less thing we have to pack for the beach!!

Pacifiers gone, check! Next tasks BB (before baby): potty training and moving in to a big girl room.