Monday, October 19, 2009

Busy Day So Far

Reese and I have had a busy day so far. This morning I took her to get her fall pictures made. I had to wake her up early to go because the ladies house is about 45 minutes from here. Reese did great and I can't wait to see the pictures!!

After pictures we headed down to Old Navy to kill some time. I bought her a winter hat and some gloves. It has been so cold and I don't want her freezing on the playground at school.

After Old Navy I had my weekly visit to check on Baby Cupcake. He is measuring great and his heartbeat sounds good. Throughout this pregnancy we have received several due dates: Nov. 7, Nov. 12, and Nov. 14. I always stuck with the 12th because it was the first one we received and it was in the middle. Well, today the doctor (who is my main doctor) said she was sticking with the 7th because that was the date he measured at the 13 week ultrasound. She also said she is on-call the 9th so if he isn't here by then she might go ahead and schedule an induction for that day so she can be there to "catch". She also knows that I have big babies so no need for him to get any bigger than necessary. I have my reservations about an induction but am not totally against it. I know he will make his appearance when the time comes. I hate to rush him along if he is not ready. However, it is also nice to know an end date. It gives Lance and I a little push to get things all squared away. So, we may have BC here by the three weeks from today! Yikes!