Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Misunderstanding or Mistake

Stop me if you’ve heard this before.  Reese wakes up every night.  Oh, you have?  Well, humor me.

Reese wakes up every night.  She yells for me until I come in to her room.  I come in to her room unhappy.  And say things I might not have said if I were coherent.

Last night I told her she had to stop yelling for me in the middle of the night.  If she woke up in the middle of the night she could just come in to our room.  I said this because every night about 30-45 minutes after she yells out Sam wakes up crying for me.  This makes for a very long night.  I am soooooo tired of being up for several hours each night.

Well, she remembered this statement tonight when it was bed time.  For the last hour and a half we have heard her feet hit the floor, run to our room, and back to her room.  Then she will come back to the top of the stairs and ask if she can get in our bed.  The answer is obviously no and she is not happy about it.

I think I have made a mistake because she misunderstood what I meant.  Now I just have to figure out how to fix this little misunderstanding.


  1. Hi! I've commented before (I hope i'm not annoying and redundant) I have Chloe (3) and Harrison (10 1/2 mos) First I just want to say that its almost a full moon (they know, and act cRaZy!!) We have been having major bedtime battles with getting out of bed at night and getting up waaaay early. Just today I made a behavior chart She will get stickers for staying in bed at night time. We prayed together that if she feels scared, Jesus would be her comforter. Once she gets XX amount of stickers we will take her to the mall for a train ride (she's always talking about the train at the mall) She was so excited I saw today that her behavior was improved b/c she would talk about getting the stickers. I hope it works. Tonight she went to bed and stayed in bed. I couldn't find your email on the blog or I would have emailed you. I hope tonight settles down for you!!
    elizabethwhitehill @ gmail dot com

  2. I did this same behavior chart with both of my boys at this age and it worked great!!!

  3. oh Renee! I feel so bad for you.. getting woken up at night is the WORST! I can barely function on the nights that Wes gets up.. and Tucker woke up at night, I swear every night for the first two years of his life.. I hope Reese can sleep and stay in her bed for your sake! Have you thought about getting her one of those night lights that shows a moon and starts at night and then a sun when it's time to get up? You can set the time when the sun comes up. Maybe that would help her to know she needs to go back to sleep?
