Friday, August 5, 2011

Birthday Playdate

This year we did not have a birthday party for Reese.  Instead we had a little playdate yesterday with some little girls her age.  Three of her friends were able to come over to play and they had a great time. As soon as the first one got there they were off to play.

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There was a little bit of dressing up…as always.

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And playing. Sam had to tag along too with the girls.  He is going to LOVE having an older sister when they are in high school.

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I did try to keep him out of their hair though.  While they were playing upstairs I tried to entertain him some downstairs.

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For lunch I ordered a pizza and they loved that! When the pizza guy showed up at the door they all started cheering!

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After pizza I gave them some cupcakes to decorate which they enjoyed too.

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Reese had a blast with her friends today.  It was fun to see them all play together and entertain each other.

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And this little guy had fun too!

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  1. So cute! It is nice that they are at an age where they can look forward to friends coming over and being able just to play together!

  2. Sam is so stinkin' cute with his blonde hair! And of course Reese is a doll, as always! Congrats, it is time for you to have another one...for sure!

  3. Wow Renee - it's amazing how much Sam looks like you - he's simply adorable; little heart breaker in training!!!
