Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gym Time!

I took Sam to his first Gymboree class today.  I never did this with Reese because we did gymnastics classes. There was a Groupon deal so I decided to give it a try.

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Of course, the first thing Sam did was go straight to the balls. He played with the basketball a lot and had fun throwing it in to the hoop.

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Once class started he did a great job following directions and trying things out.

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He loved anything he could climb on and the slides.

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He wasn’t too excited about the parachute.  I think it was something so new and different that he was a little intimidated by it. I think he will enjoy it more next week.

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He loved the bubbles and banging on things when necessary.

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I think I will see how the rest of this month goes and then decide if we will do it again.

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I really like that there is someone else that Sam has to listen to besides me. I felt like that was good for Reese at this age and I hope it will be the same for Sam.

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  1. Look so fun!! I am sure Sam loved it!

  2. aw, Marshall did Gymboree when he was Sam's age. I think it's perfect for little boys!
