We have had another weekend full of fall fun! Last night Jenny and I were both with out our husbands so we headed out together to entertain the kids. We went to a little Pumpkin Festival in our little downtown area. But first we started off with a pizza dinner at the Choo-choo park.

This park is so tiny but the kids LOVE it and I love that I can keep an eye on them easily.

After eating we headed out to check out the festival. There were bounce houses, slides, and tons of candy!

Businesses had booths set up where they would hand out candy while getting their names out to the parents.

There was also a costume contest. I didn’t bring my kids costumes for several reasons. 1) I didn’t think Reese would be able to keep hers clean and 2) I don’t have one for Sam yet! Harrison opted out of the contest and sat with us while Davis modeled his Rex (from Toy Story) costume.

I thought he was the cutest little guy out there! He won the award for “Cutest Costume”.

After the contest we watched a puppet show that the two big kids loved! Then we went back outside where Reese wanted to get her hair spray painted. She chose pink and blue glittery spray paint.

The lady even sprayed some red paint in Sam’s hair.

The big kids went in to the game truck in the back of this picture where they played sword fighting on a Wii.

While the big kids played, the little monkeys were outside with me. Sam kept “petting” Davis. He would lean over and rub his head and say “pet”. He loves babies…even though this baby is only eight month younger than him. Ha! They will play great together in a few years.

Walking back to the car Harrison got in the stroller with Davis so Reese wanted to get in with Sam. It was a tight squeeze to say the least but they just giggled.

This morning Gigi came over and we headed to Reese’s schools fall festival. Last year we waited in line for over an hour to get Reese’s face painted so this year that was the first thing we did. She wanted to be a butterfly.

The kids from the school put on a little performance. They sang two songs and Reese was so excited to do this.

After the performance was over we headed out to find all of the fun stuff to do. Reese did the bounce houses, the giant slide and a few other games to win some candy.

We also did the hayride. Both kids were very excited about this.

After the hayride we left to grab some lunch and then headed to a pumpkin patch. There we once again rode on a hayride and were still just as excited.

We ended up not buying any big pumpkins but came home with a hand full of little pumpkins.

Gigi and I tried really hard to get some cute pictures but two little pumpkins were not cooperating.

Finally the last picture of the day will do.

As we were leaving Sam said, “Bye-bye punky patch.” Both kids had a great day and are getting some good rest time in right now.
I think we have officially experienced a ton of fall fun and we have one more exciting adventure next weekend!