Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Wrap-Up

We had a wonderful Christmas filled with family and lots of love. However, I didn’t take many pictures. The weekend went by way too fast if you ask me.

Friday started our Christmas weekend. Reese and I made cookies for Santa and I cleaned up around the house. Santa requested chocolate chip cookies so that is what we made.

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That afternoon the kids had just woken up from their naps and were snuggling up on the couch to watch a movie and eat at snack. I was in the kitchen cleaning when we heard the garage door opening. We were so excited to have Daddy surprise us by coming home around 3:30!! He had some last minute shopping to do and asked Reese if she wanted to go. She, of course, was very excited to do that so it made Sam want to go, too. That was my first Christmas present! Ha! I had three whole hours to myself. I cleaned the downstairs and then sat down to enjoy it. That night we had pizza and movie night picnic style and watch some Christmas specials we had Tivo’ed.

Saturday morning we headed to church. Our church held service on Saturday morning instead of Sunday. After church we headed out to my parents house. The second we walked in the door Reese was busting at the seams to open presents. So it wasn’t long until we were doing just that.

My parents told them to close their eyes while they brought all the presents in to the family room.

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Look at that sneaky Sam with his eyes open behind his hands.

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Reese tore in to her presents.

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While Sam took each present to Gigi to have her help with opening. Each present he opened he got the most excited look on his face.

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After presents Sam hung out with Tommy. They played ball, airplane, and Sam climbed all over him.

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The kids were spoiled by all of their gifts and so were we.

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Before we left we put the kids in their pajamas. We drove to go see some lights and then headed home. Reese was the first one to go to sleep. She was worn out! Sam fell asleep a little while later but much closer to home. Reese woke up as we were getting off the exit to our house. When we got home we quickly put out the milk and cookies and then took the kids to bed.

The one thing Reese asked Santa for was a “coloring castle”. Seriously, if there is one thing that was made for Reese it was this gift! It has everything to do with Princesses and art. It is her dream house. Santa knew Reese would not want Sam to color on her castle so he brought Sam a Mater to color on. I am not sure Sam was as excited. He was, however, very excited about his little power wheels.

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Reese was the first one to wake up at 7:45. She snuck in to our room, climbed in our bed, and then whispered, “Santa came!”. We told her we had to wait until Sam woke up to go downstairs. Around 8:00 he still wasn’t awake so we started making a little noise to wake him up. It worked. Reese ran in to his room and squealed, “Sam! Santa came!”.

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However, he was not thrilled to be awake yet. We tried to get the kids to sit here to have their picture made but Sam was not having it so I had to help.

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They were both thrilled when they ran downstairs to see their gifts. After seeing all of Santa’s gifts it was time to open up presents from each other. Reese bought us gifts at her Secret Santa shop at school again this year. Those were the first gifts we opened. Lance and I died laughing when Sam opened up his Princess white board from Reese. It was sooooo funny! Sam just went along with it and said, “Ooooh! Princess!”. He seemed just as excited as Reese was.

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After opening gifts we ate breakfast, played with our new toys, and enjoyed some time together. Then it was time to head out to Lance’s family. I thought I took a lot more pictures than I did there but as I looked through them I had one picture of Dalton and six pictures of Sam. Ha! Apparently we were having too much fun. The kids were once again spoiled (as were we).

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Sam’s favorite gift was this Rock and Roll Mickey. Reese received tons of arts and crafts from everyone this year and will be loving that all year long!

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We had such a wonderful time with all of our family and feel so very blessed. Not only for all the gifts but for the real reason for this season!

Today we were in our pajamas until 4:00! It was so awesome! We took down all of our Christmas decorations inside and reorganized some of our kitchen. The house is still a wreck though! I need to figure out where all of the new stuff will go. After that we headed to the mall to have my new watch sized and then to Hobby Lobby for some Christmas shopping. We bought some decorations for next year and some frames for some canvases we have. It was a perfect day to finish off a wonderful weekend.

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