Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finding time…

It seems to be hard to find time to actually sit down and post updates. I have tons of pictures and words but not much time.

Thanksgiving day, we woke up and watched the Thanksgiving Day parade. Reese was most excited about this but that only lasted about an hour. Then she was bored with it. She did snuggle Hayes some while she watched. That afternoon we had Lance’s family and some of our neighbors over to celebrate. We had a nice evening but didn’t get any pictures taken.

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That night the kids put their Christmas pajamas on. We had decided that Friday would be a pajama day while we decorated for Christmas. Reese was very excited about decorating the house. She was a big help.

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Some one stuck a Rudolph doll in the swing with Hayes.

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All three monkeys with their Christmas pajamas on. They all look thrilled.

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Saturday we cheered on Georgia Tech at some friends house. We tried to get a family picture and this was the best we could do. We all sported our Tech clothes/colors…even me! Gasp! I figured I might as well coordinate with my family this year. It didn’t help Tech out any though. We had a great time and the kids had a blast together.

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Random phone pictures:

Sam as Batman

photo 1

Reese as the Red Power Ranger. This was Sam’s Halloween costume. It would fit her perfectly if I hadn’t hemmed it to fit Sam. Sam didn’t really enjoy her being dressed in his costume. Later she had on dress-up high heels and a flower headband in her hair while wearing this costume.

photo 2

I caught Hayes smiling the other night. He was just staring at the fan grinning away.

photo 3

Last night some friends brought dinner over and stayed to eat with us. The kids had fun playing Candy Land and Twister together.

photo 4

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