Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Monday, Hayes had his first visit to the doctor. He weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz. The funniest thing to us was his length. When he was born he was 22.5" long. However, he had a major cone head because of the amount of time he was stuck in the birth canal. We laughed at the time that he would loose an inch or so once the cone went away. Well after two tries at measuring him at the doctors office, Hayes was only 21" long! A whole inch and a half was lost!

Today Lance needed to go to the grocery store after Reese was home from school. He wanted to leave both kids home with me but I wasn't up for that challenge just yet. He decided to take Sam with him and leave Reese home with me. I really wanted to take a shower and Reese really wanted to hold Hayes so we worked out a plan. She held him on my bed while I showered! She did a great job. I set up my iPad with a movie on it and I could see them the whole time. She just cuddled him and watched her movie. It was perfect and she was a great big help!

- Posted from my iPhone


  1. What a great big sis!!! They are adorable together!

  2. That picture of the two of them is so sweet. I love how proud beautiful Reese is of her baby brother.
