Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fun Times

After hearing about the tragedy in CT on Friday all I could think about was enjoying my family that night. We had our usual pizza and a movie night and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Since it was a short movie I had some other ideas in mind to fill our night. First we made “Grinch Floats” that I saw on Pinterest. They were just green sherbet and Sprite…they were not a hit. HA! Good try! While the kids were waiting for their floats I sent them upstairs to put on their Christmas pajamas. After trying the floats we all loaded in the car to see some Christmas lights. There is a house about 25 minutes from us that covers their house and yard in lights and makes a show out of them to music. They even have a radio station that you tune in to hear the music. It is a little over a 30 minute show and they do a great job. It is a big hit and there is always a line of cars coming in to see it. Reese and Sam really enjoyed the show and Hayes just slept right through it.

photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

Saturday morning we had several things to do so we got started early! While we were out the kids were just not getting along and completely misbehaving. I was alone with them for about an hour during that time and was so over playing referee. When Lance got back I told him I needed a little mommy time out that afternoon. He understood and was happy to send me on my way. I decided that I needed a pedicure so Hayes and I set off for the nail salon. He was the perfect partner to get my toes done with. Don’t mind the silly look on my face…I was trying to be discreet about taking my own picture. I really just wanted a picture of Hayes snuggled up.

photo 4

Today the kids and I hung around the house. Lance went to the Falcons game and enjoyed his time away.

This is what happens when I am nursing Hayes…Sam gave me a different kind of pedicure.

photo 5

I am glad for the week to start again. We have a busy week ahead of us and then Reese will be home for two weeks. Hopefully we can plan some fun activities during those two weeks.

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