Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hayes’ Two Month Well Visit

Today Hayes had his two month well visit with our pediatrician. He did a great job. You would never have known we were concerned about his weight gain a month ago!

Weight: 14 pounds, 1 oz (84%)
Height: 24 inches (85%)
Head: 15.5 inches (53%)

He gained FOUR pounds in one month.

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The comparison to Sam’s stats at this age is too funny. Sam weighed 12 pounds, 13 ounces and he was 23.25” long. His head was just a quarter inch smaller. Sam at two months…

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And the comparison to Reese surprises me. She weighed 13 pounds, 7 ounces and was 23.75” long. I don’t have the size of Reese’s head handy. Reese at two months…

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I am so happy we are back on track with weight gain!

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