For months now Sam has been coming in to our room and getting in our bed in the middle of the night. Each night at bed time I tell him to stay in his own bed and he says "I can't!". While still pregnant I would take him back to his bed because there just wasn't enough room to be comfortable. Since having Hayes I just let him stay because I am too tired to take him back to his room. Most nights he just climbs right over me and snuggles in. If he does wake me up he will say, "Can I snuggle for five minutes?". Last night I was more towards the middle of the bed than normal. When he came in our room I guess he noticed that and just climbed in the bed. I didn't even know he was there until 2:00 when he fell out of the bed and hit his head on the night stand and instantly started screaming. Tonight I went in to his room to check on him and to turn off his flashlight. I saw something on the floor next to the bed as I was walking up to it. I used my foot to try to slide it out of the way and realized it was Sam. He was on the floor, about half way under his bed, asleep. I have no idea what he was doing. I know he didn't fall out because his bed rail was still up. I guess when he says "I can't" about staying in his bed, he really means it.
- Posted from my iPhone
He sounds just like Harper. She loves getting in our bed and I always find her in crazy sleeping positions or spots in her room.