Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend. Friday afternoon it was rainy so I let the kids dye eggs. I need to remember to do this earlier with them so we can use them as decorations.

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Saturday started off rainy. It was going to be a busy day of soccer, tennis, birthday parties and church…but the rain slowed it down. Soccer games were cancelled so the kids and I took it easy in the morning while Lance ran a quick errand. My Sunday tennis match was rescheduled for Saturday so we weren’t playing on Easter Sunday. It was rainy the whole time we played but we got our matches in! It was another fun match and another win. Three in a row! On my way to my match, I dropped Reese off at Hallie’s house. They had been invited to a friend’s birthday party from our old neighborhood. They were both excited to go and see some old friends. After tennis, we met Reese at our church for a family fun night. They had an Easter service and then fun family activities afterwards. The kids had a blast even though it was drizzling the whole time we were there. We had dinner, played in jumpies, rode a train, got faces painted, and so much more fun with our friends. For some reason I can not get pictures from my phone of that day so hopefully I can get those on here soon.

Sunday morning Sam woke up first. He was good to wait for Reese to wake up so they could go downstairs. They were both super excited to see what was left in their baskets.

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Hayes slept through the fun so he didn’t get to check out his basket until we were all ready for church. He was ok with that though.

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He was most excited about the basketball left in his basket.

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Once Hayes was done with his basket we tried to get some pictures of the kids. We got a few cute ones but Hayes was not interested in picture taking when he was outside.

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We thought maybe some kisses would do the trick but no such luck.

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After church, we came home for lunch and naps. After naps, we went to Lance’s parents house. There the kids had so much fun jumping on the trampoline and tackling their cousins. We ate a yummy dinner and then had an Easter egg hunt. The kids had a lot of fun doing that and got lots of great surprises in their eggs. We forgot our camera so Lance got some pictures on his phone.

We had a great day celebrating the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus!!

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