Monday, June 16, 2014

Two Wheels and an Open Road

Last summer we bought Reese a new bike for her birthday. She would never ride her old bike and we thought a new one would do the trick. Well it didn’t. She still said she didn’t like riding her bike. We tried and we tried but nothing worked.

photo 1 (2)

For what ever reason, yesterday Reese and Lance decided to take the training wheels off her bike so she could learn to ride it.

photo 2 (1)

While Lance was busy talking to a neighbor, I gave her some pointers and ran beside her in the grass for a while. She was doing really well and would go several feet while riding alone. The problem was their wasn’t enough space in the grass to really test it out.

photo 3

Finally we talked her in to going out to the cul-de-sac to try because their was more space and it would be easier to peddle out there. The second she was on her bike, she was riding away. She was thrilled and we were so proud of her! Her biggest trouble is actually getting started on the bike but other than that she looks like she has been riding forever.

photo 4 (2)

Check out this big smile…

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Loving Summer

This summer seems to be flying by. Each morning we wake up for swim team practice and then we are off for the day.

Lance got our table done and we bought some chairs for it Memorial day weekend. We have really enjoyed having this table outdoors. The patio is covered and doesn’t get any sun after midday. There is a fan out there so it is the perfect dinner spot.


On Memorial Day we met some friends at Stone Mountain. We were so worried that it was going to be super crowded because of the holiday. Fortunately for us there was rain in the forecast that kept a lot of people away. The kids were not able to do a few things they wanted to do but overall we had a great time. We rode the Skylift to the top of the mountain.



I think this was the kids favorite part…being on top of the world! They begged over and over to stay for the laser show but we just couldn’t do it since Lance had to be at work the next day.


The kids have been so good about doing their summer work books. For the most part, they have played pretty well together. We have our moments but they have been good together.


The pool has been a great place to spend time. This summer weather is already off to a better start than last summer.


The first couple of times we went to the pool Hayes would not get in. He would cry and cry. Finally I switched him from a puddle jumper to floaties and he loved it! He will jump, kick, blow bubbles. I am so glad he is finally enjoying the fun.


Reese is doing swim team again this summer. She is doing so great! She is one of the oldest in her age group and it all seems to have clicked for her this year.


Sam wanted so bad to go to her first meet. I have been getting a babysitter for Hayes because it would be too much to have him with me. I told Sam it was going to be boring but he begged to go. He was super excited when we first got there but that quickly faded and all he wanted to do was buy food at the concession stand. He stayed home with the babysitter the next meet!


The big kids are also taking tennis lessons from my tennis coach. They had their first practice this week and LOVED it! I think they will both do pretty well. I can’t wait to be able to hit some balls with them. By the time they are ten they will be killing me on the courts.
