Monday, June 1, 2015

Last Day of School

Sam has been out of school for two and a half weeks and Reese has been out of school for a week and a half now. We jumped in to summer with both feet! It is always so sweet to me to see the comparison pictures from the first day of school to the last day of school.

Hayes, of course, wanted to be in some pictures too!

The last day they were actually at the school they got to take a field trip to Reese's school for a tour. Sam was super excited about doing that. They took a tour and went through the lunch line.

And then the next day they had a class party at a local cheer gym. They had a blast running around and just being kids.

Sam with his lead teacher...

And assistant teacher...half way through the year she became the assistant after the first one had to leave. I was so worried about this transition because Sam LOVED the first assistant but this one worked out just perfectly!

For what ever reason, Sam's school did not have a preschool graduation. I was so sad about this because I loved when Reese had hers. Luckily his teacher was sweet enough to take pictures of the kids with caps and gowns! 

Finally it was Reese's turn! Again this year we sprayed the kids with water guns as they got off the bus and the boys were so excited! I also made some sponge bombs instead of water balloons. The kids had fun throwing those at each other and I didn't see my hard work disappear in two seconds.

Reese and her teacher...I was a little nervous at the beginning of this year because this was her teacher's very first year! But Reese loved her and I can't believe we are headed towards third grade! Third grade is the first year that I really remember! I remember bits and pieces of years before that but third grade is a big year!

We are so excited about summer being here and trying to enjoy our days! The big kids both started swim team a week or so before school got out. The water is super cold but they are loving it! Their first swim meet was cancelled due to the weather but they are ready to try again. 

*I got a new computer and now I am having to use blogger again...I hate using it to edit my blog. Sorry for all the layout issues. I am still trying to figure this thing out.

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