Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spring Break

We tried to do several fun things over Spring Break this year. On Sunday we headed to Georgia Tech to watch a baseball game after church. I thought it was fun but the kids weren't really in to it.

We left the game early and walked to the bookstore. It was a beautiful day and I am glad we were able to go to at least one game this season.

On Monday we went to Six Flags. I thought it was going to be packed so we didn't plan on staying long because we had plans to go to the Braves home opener later in the day.

Well, it turned out to be a perfect day at Six Flags and we wished we could have stayed all day. There was not much of a crowd and it was such a pretty day.

The kids all had a blast and were not happy that I was making them leave but they were excited to go to the Braves game.

The Braves game was at 4:00 which was a really tough time to get to considering Atlanta traffic. We sat in a ton of traffic and then waited in a super long line to park and enter the stadium. Every one was kind of getting cranky with all the waiting.

We finally made it to our seats and were grateful to be in the shade. We got food for everyone and settled in for a while. We decided to leave at the bottom of the eighth inning and that was the best decision we made all day. We were able to get out before all of the traffic and didn't have to wait in any more lines. We had fun though and I am glad we were able to make it to the final home opener at Turner Field.

Reese's friend Mary spent the night that night and then they went to a tumble clinic the next morning. Tuesday we went to get passport pictures taken and applications turned in. That night we decided to eat dinner out.

Wednesday we met Sam's favorite little friend at the park. The kids played on the playground for a while and then just ran around the field for a long time. They all played really well together.

Some one had this precious little pup out in the field and guess who couldn't get enough? The puppy had just licked his face when I took this picture. He was giggling and thought that was the best thing.

Thursday was a free for all day. I let the kids be on technology ALL.DAY! The only time we took a break was to go on an adventure. We walked to their school to play on the playground. It is a little over a mile each way and they did great for the most part. Hayes melted down on the way back but did great otherwise.

Friday we went to the library and to another playground near by.

Overall it was a great spring break and it gave us a little sneak peek in to what summer will look like.

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