Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Vacation~Cruise 2016~Part 3

Ah! Mahogany Bay, Isla Roatan, Honduras. We woke up on Wednesday morning, pulled back the curtain and I woke everyone up with a shout of how beautiful it was outside of our balcony. These pictures can't even do justice to what we saw that morning. We didn't have any excursions planned this day and we really didn't even know what to expect. We put the kids in their bathing suits but we just put clothes on. 

When we walked off the boat, we walked in to this beautiful shopping area that we didn't even explore. We decided to walk over to this beach area thinking we were going to have to pay to go to the beach but when we made it over we realized it was free.

We saw these trees in Belize the day before and they are called Flamboyant Trees. This one was not nearly as gorgeous as the one we saw in Belize but we had to take a picture with it since we had our camera.

Along the walking path to the beach the kids found this huge hammock to lay in.

We could have ridden this chair lift over to the beach but it was $14 per person and we figured our boots were made for walking. We would have missed some beautiful sites if we hadn't walked.

We ran in to my grandparents and aunt and uncle on our way over to the beach. They had explored earlier than we did and were headed back to the ship.

Leah hung out with us again for a little while.

Let's zoom out of these pictures for a second...the kids weren't quite tall enough so Leah was a good sport and gave them a lift.

This beach was much busier than in Cozumel but the water was still just as beautiful. Once we were out there, Lance decided to go back to the boat and get our swim suits so we could play with the kids.

After playing in the water for a little while, we worked up an appetite and headed in to Fat Tuesdays for lunch.

We had so much fun this day!

I mean...how special...ha!

After lunch we played in the water for a little while longer and then it was back to the boat to get ready for dinner once again.

 I had to try and snap some pictures of our view but like I said earlier...these just don't do it any justice.

Once we were ready for dinner, Tricia and I took the kids to the arcade while the daddy's played in the casino. They could have stayed in there all day.

The kids were wild at dinner every night. Luckily we had a really sweet head waitress, that made heart eyes at them every night. I'm not sure our waiter felt the same way about our kids but Viktoria was so sweet.

That night's show was Family Game Night. There is a show on TV by the same name. It is all Hasbro games that are life-size and families compete while playing these games. Reese had been looking forward to this night for months once we read about it online.

Well, this is how we all felt about it...

Hayes slept through the whole show and we were all shortly behind him.

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