Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day!

It is so pretty outside today. After storytime at the library, Reese and I went to walk around our city's little downtown shopping area. It was so nice just to walk around outside. I haven't been down there in a while and a ton of the shops have changed out. Reese had fun walking around and was mad when it was time to leave. When we got home she wanted to go back outside so I let her play outside while I started to clean the kitchen. She pushed her stroller around for a little while and then decided to play in the pinestraw...sorry about all of it on the patio Daddy! After she played and I cleaned, I made us lunch and we had a picnic outside. Reese LOVES to be outside as much as possible. I really need to buy more outside toys...Craigslist, here I come!

Waiting patiently for her lunch to be served
Picking "flowers" out of the yard

She loves to run up and down the hill in our backyard

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Big Girl

I put Reese's hair in a full ponytail today for the first time. She looks so grown-up!!

Here is Reese on the phone..."talk Elmo"

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This week...

...went by so fast. And I am not sure why. Our week wasn't too crazy. Here is the wrap up...

On Monday, we did our normal grocery shopping and then visited some friends and babies (see previous post).

Tuesday we had lunch with a couple of girls from church. I have decided that next year I am not going to volunteer in UpStreet. It is hard to coordinate going to the service and volunteering. With another baby on the way it is going to be much more difficult so I have bowed out. I am very sad about it but I know that it is the right thing to do for now!!

Wednesday was busy and oh so fun!! We kept Tucker for the day because his dad had a minor surgery that his mom, obviously, had to be present for. Reese was in heaven. Gymnastics was also moved to that morning because our gym was going to be hosting a meet on Friday. So, I packed both kids up and took them to gymnastics. It was just Reese and the twins there. Tucker had free range of everything too. I am not quite sure what he thought about it. On the trampoline he was a little nervous but he LOVED crawling through the "house" made out of mats and the parachute. After gymnastics we grab some CFA for lunch and headed back to the house. I was lucky enough to be able to get both kids down for a nap at the same time. Reese woke up before Tucker so she got to watch Elmo (to stay quite) until he woke up. Then we took him back home which made Reese very sad. She cried for about five minutes after we dropped him off.

Thursday it was finally HOT outside. We meet Tucker, Robert, and Maddie at the park for a walk. We also had an impromptu birthday party for Robert whose birthday was on Wednesday. Reese and I made cupcakes, Amy made a special treat for Robert, and Kristin brought bubbles to play with. The kids all did great for the first two laps and then as we started the third they all started to whine...letting us know they were hot and done! We took them to play for a little while and then headed home shortly afterwards. I love getting home after being at the park and snuggling up with Reese. She smells so yummy with her Coppertone sunscreen reminds me of the beach. That night we had terrible storms right at bath time so Reese got to stay up a little late. It hailed more than I have ever seen it hail here!! It was crazy.

Licking the batter off the spoon

All the sweet and sweaty babies

Friday I spent the day organizing...but it didn't look like it. I really did a lot of stuff but it ended up making a bigger mess. I did a lot of laundry, picture taking of things we want to sell, organizing my clothes (because I am on the verge of not fitting in normal clothes for a while), and of course carving out some play time with my sweet girl. She was such a perfect little girl all day. She entertained herself a lot. I still had the pack 'n play out from when Tucker napped here and she wanted to play in it. I think she spent a total of an hour in there through the day. She would yell out "Mommy, more books" when she was done "reading" the ones she had. So I would take her more and she would be content until she was done "reading" those. Lissa came over for dinner and got here in perfect time to entertain Reese so that I could clean up downstairs and cook dinner. Then Becca came over later in the evening to spend the night so that she could do the March for Babies walk with us. Lissa, Becca and I got in some great talking and visiting time. It was wonderful!

Playing in the pack 'n play

Today we did the March for Babies walk for the second year in a row. Becca walked with us too. Becca was born two months early, weighing 2 lbs and 11 oz. So she always walks and supports with us. It was great just like last year! It was much hotter though!! Reese was so good during the walk. I think she was loving the people watching!! After the walk we found a Sesame Street bounce house but Reese did not want to play in there. On the way home she kept talking about it though so I think she regretted not going in to play. An added bonus to the day was that I got to see an old high school friend. It was great to talk and catch up! After the walk we went home for lunch and a nap. Then headed back out to a birthday party at The Varsity downtown. Lance stayed home to clean up the yard from the storm the other night and to cut the grass, etc. Finally Reese is in bed for the night and I think I will be in bed shortly! I am pooped!

Yes, she is crying because I think she might have been a little scared of the giant, blow up Elmo.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a fun, fun weekend this past weekend! On Saturday Lance took Reese down to the GT spring game. He said she had a lot of fun and I know Daddy had a lot of fun!!

Here they are getting ready to leave.

Walking up the stairs to the game.

Cheering "Go Jackets!"

While they were at the game I went to a fabulous baby shower. It was so creative...and I am pretty sure I am going to steal some of the ideas for any future baby shower I throw!!

Sunday we went to church and then had some friends over for lunch afterwards. Then Reese and I went to a playdate with Mitchell. We had a great time and I can't believe how big our kids are getting.

Reese has been so good today. This morning she entertained herself with coloring...which is something she is really loving right now. Then we went to visit some friends and babies. This afternoon we went to the park with Amy and Tucker. We had a great walk and fun playing on the playground.

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday!

I think I have said this before but I still love Friday's even though I don't work out in the "real world". This is my "real world" now. I love having Lance home on the weekends to help out with Reese and just have around.

The other day I hear Reese yelling, "Mommy, stuck". So I come around the corner and see she has trapped herself in the corner with the piano. So funny!

I'm free!! Don't mind the snotty nose. I think she is being attacked by allergies. She has had a snotty nose all week.

Monkey Number 2 update:
There is not much to update right now with #2. We had a doctors visit earlier this week and have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks. I had a couple of really bad weeks of feeling sick but nothing too bad since then. With Reese I was nauseous from around 7 weeks to 13 weeks. So that is a little different this time. I love that I get to take naps in the middle of the day now. When I was pregnant with Reese I was working so I would come home from work, eat dinner and be in bed by 7 or 8. Now I can nap while Reese does and then have the evening to hang out with Lance. Speaking of Lance...he is different this time around too...he doesn't attend to me as much as he did with Reese! ; ) What's up with that, honey? I guess he figures I have done this before so I can handle it. But I think that is the problem with this one. I HAVE done this before so I know so much more...which makes this a little harder. I know what to expect...I know how much a newborn needs...and how much a toddler needs...can I really combine the two?? We shall see.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Slacker

I have been a slacker in the donation department. I am trying to raise money for TWO different organizations in the next couple of weeks. Please see the links in the right column to donate to March for Babies and Walk to Empower...and please donate!! Thank you!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! This morning when Reese woke up I told her the Easter Bunny came and brought her some presents. She said, "Baby?". I have no idea why. Anyways, here are some pictures from the day. She got several coloring books, a bunch of stickers, Reese's Pieces, and some plastic eggs with Apple Jacks in them. Yum!!

This is when she spied her basket and headed right towards it to pull everything out.

Shake, Shake, Shake

I wanted to get her picture in her pretty Easter dress but she was not having it. This was the best we could do.

After church we spent the afternoon with Lance's family at the park. Reese had a lot of fun playing on the playground. It has been way too long since we have been able to go!!

Jumping like a frog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Spring Break

Since it was Spring Break this past week we were able to get together with some people we don't get to usually see during the week. Monday, we went to Monkey Joe's with a family from our small group. They have a daughter who is a year older than Reese and then two older sons. Reese was very excited about going to play at Monkey Joe's and she had a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun talking with their mommy too. While we were there it was snowing outside!! Seriously, I am ready for spring!!

Thursday we went out to my parents house to meet a friend of mine from high school and her daughters who are close to Reese's age. We haven't seen them since August so it was great to get together. We took the kids to the neighborhood playground and had lunch there. Then Reese and I went back to my parents house and spent the night there.

Reese was playing with the blocks with my mom. My mom gave her earrings and she loved them...

Reese loves this little cowboy hat and riding the horse...she is our little cowgirl...riding side saddle.

A couple of milestone notes for me...Reese is talking a lot...A LOT!! She is putting several words together. As I type this she is saying, "No,no monkey jump on bed". I think that is the most words she has ever strung together. She is a talking machine. She can also count to six. However, she usually skips one. She can count to ten if you count with her. (You start with one, she will say two, you say three, she will say four, etc.) A new and sweet thing she is doing...she will kiss her baby, say hug (not hug her), say "nigh-nigh", and "you-a" which means "I love you". It is so sweet to watch her go through routines that we do with her. Her imagination is really growing right now. I catch her talking to her baby dolls a lot...especially before and after nap times.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Slim Picture Pickin'

I have been HORRIBLE about taking pictures lately...which in turn makes me horrible at updating my blog!!

It's that time of year again. Reese watching as Daddy cuts the grass.

Have you seen that Rice Krispies commercial where they make the Rice Krispie Treat Easter eggs? I attempted to make them today for a playdate we have tomorrow. Reese enjoyed watching and eating...but wasn't about to get her hands dirty helping!!

And then decorated them...Yummy!

Monday, April 6, 2009


I added a post today but since I started it the other day it is a few posts down...check it out.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Matching Toes

Last night I painted my toe nails and asked Reese if she wanted hers done too. She said yes so I started painting them. She has the most ticklish feet and squirmed the whole time. She didn't want me to paint the second foot because it tickled so much but I did it. I told her we had "matching toes" so she has said that all day. When she notices them she will say, "matching toes". They look so cute!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Walk, Walk, Walk only two walks.

At the end of the month we will once again walk in the March for Babies walk with Lance's company. We had a great time doing this last year. The walk through Atlanta was so wonderful and we are excited about doing it again. You can donate using the widget on the side bar.

On Mother's Day, I will be walking with some girlfriends in the Walk to Empower Breast Cancer walk. We were originally going to do the 5K run the day before but ended up doing the walk instead.

Please take some time to check out both organizations and if you feel compelled please make a donation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordy Wednesday

Reese is going to be a big sister in Mid-November!!