Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Four Year Well Visit

Today we had Reese’s four year well visit and a vaccination scheduled for Sam. Last year I swore I would not take both kids to the doctor together again.  But I did.  It is just so much easier to do it all at once even though it is twice the drama.  They each got two shots, each got a finger prick, and shed a ton of tears.  But we all survived.

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Reese weighs 43 pounds (92%) and is 41 1/4” tall (41%). Sam weighs 28 pounds.  Reese also had her blood pressure checked, eyes and ears tested, and all the normal checks done.  She did great with all of that but once the nurse walked in with the needles she lost it.  Reese is full of drama and screams like she is being mauled by a dog when she is in a situation she doesn’t want to be in. 

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Today’s deal was that if she didn’t scream we would go get yogurt and for every shot that she had to get she could put one topping on her yogurt.  Well, she did scream but it wasn’t as loud as normal because I kept reminding her of our deal.  And of course Sam was crying because she was out of control. Ha!  So we got to go get yogurt. 

Sam got cookies n cream yogurt with sprinkles.  He didn’t really know the deal so I didn’t get him three toppings. He loved it and was a huge mess when he was done.

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Reese, as usual, got chocolate yogurt with sprinkles, m&m’s, and marshmallows. She was so excited and can’t wait to go back again.

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When we were driving home Reese said, “I didn’t scream at all!”.  I giggled and said “Yes, you did but it wasn’t too loud!”.  And then she said, “Shots hurt so bad I just have to scream.”  She is so silly.  I really don’t know how I got such a dramatic daughter but I love her none the less! Winking smile

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