Saturday, March 31, 2012

Such a Difference

The other day I uploaded pictures from our big camera and there were over a hundred pictures on it. I found these pictures of the kids and you can tell they are a couple of weeks old because they are in long sleeves and it hasn’t been cold here in weeks.

Anyways, these pictures show how different the kids are. I don’t even remember why I wanted to take their picture but you can tell Reese is hamming it up while Sam wants nothing to do with having his picture taken.

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I even tried to trick him by taking one as he rounded the corner but he saw me and started running the other way. Such a stinker!

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Silly Sam

Sam recently figured out how to use the mouse on my computer and he loves playing on it. He always says, “I play on your dem-puter?”.

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He found a vest of mine in the laundry one day and wanted to wear this “cape”. He wore it all afternoon as a super hero and even while we went on a walk with our neighbors. I ended up having to make him take it off because it was just too hot for him to wear it.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

School Egg Hunt

Today has been a fun day! First thing this morning one of Reese’s school friends came over to ride with us to school because her mom had an early appointment to go to. They got to play for about 45 minutes before school. I am sure they were super wound up when they walked in to their classroom. I wanted to take a picture of them before going to school because they both looked cute in their Easter apparel. I took about six pictures or so and they were just being silly in most of them.

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After dropping them off at school, Sam and I came home for a little bit of cleaning up and then headed back to school for the egg hunt. We got there a little early to help hide the eggs and Sam was a big helper. He had fun hiding them. Finally it was time for the kids to come out and Sam wanted to be in the middle of hunting too. He used a bag that Reese made in class.

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This is a picture of all of the cute little girls in Reese’s class all dressed up. All but one of these little girls was in her class last year so they have formed  some pretty sweet friendships. Two of the little girls (that I know of…possibly more) will go to the same elementary school with her next year too.

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After the egg hunt Reese went home with her same little friend that came over this morning. They got to spend most of the day together! They play so well together that I wasn’t worried about them spending too much time together. While Reese was out having fun, Sam and I ran to the mall. I still had not bought him an Easter outfit (just bought Reese’s last night). I found some shorts for him but still trying to find a shirt. I really just want a basic white polo but haven’t found one yet. After shopping we ate some lunch at the mall and then grabbed a cake pop for him at a new cupcake store there. After taking a bite of it, it fell on the ground so the lady gave him another one. This time we saved it to eat in the car! He was super excited!!

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Sam and I headed home for nap time and waited for Reese to get home from her play date. This afternoon was kind of boring but the kids did spend some time having their own egg hunts around the house. I bet we will spend this next week having several more egg hunts since Reese will be home for spring break.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kindergarten Registration

Today I registered Reese for Kindergarten! First we took Sam to a friends house to play before Reese and I headed to the school. Then on our way to the school Reese said she didn’t want to go and wanted to go to preschool. She was very concerned that she was missing out on something and that she was going to have to do her morning work all by herself. I talked her in to going with me. We walked in to the school and as we walked down the hall a lump formed in my throat. I had to tell myself to lock it up. I just couldn’t believe that I was actually walking through the halls of an elementary school with Reese! In the end I really did not need to bring her with me. All I did was fill out paperwork but it was nice to have those thirty minutes with her. I am not really sure what she thought…I will have to ask her about it later.

I took our picture before we went in. I thought this first one was perfect and cute but she didn’t like how my eye was touching her face. Ha!

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So here was round two. I still like the first one better but she said this one was perfect!

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Oh I don’t know if I am ready for August to be here. I can’t believe she will be in Kindergarten! AHHHH! Where does the time go?

Growing Up

Last Friday I decided to take the side rail off of Sam's crib. We have been super lazy and slow about getting a big boy room set up for him so this was a first step in that direction. He has done great and slept great in it this way. He has only gotten out once with out permission. When he wakes up from his nap he climbs out of bed and I can hear his little feet patter across the floor. He will yell downstairs, "Mommy I done taking a nap!" and then I tell him he can come downstairs. It is so cute! Why is this little man growing up so fast??

He also loves to do things on his own. He loves brushing his own teeth. I always let him brush first, then I take a turn, and then he rinses his mouth out. I love that his little ties barely touch the stool when he does this.

Sam is doing a great job with the potty! We are still working on number two in the potty but other than that I am so proud of him. I am definitely not stressing over his potty training the way I did Reese...and this makes everyone much happier!! He can pull his pants down and climbs up on the potty all by himself. In public it is still tricky but we are getting that down too. He does love to tee-tee outside...but what boy doesn't? This little guy cracks me up.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, March 19, 2012

Golf Buddies

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our busy weekend

Friday started our busy weekend with a busy day. I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and then we ran some errands and ate at Chick-fil-A. In the afternoon Reese had ballet as usual but it was parent watch day. I decided to just keep Sam with me so we made it parent-brother watch day. They showed us some of their stretches and other fun things they do in class.

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After stretching they showed us a preview of their recital dance. Reese was excited to have us in there with her.

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Friday night we had pizza and a movie night. We decided to watch Tinkerbell…again. We were going to watch a new movie but then couldn’t find it so Tink it was. One day Sam is going to start giving us a hard time about the girly movies we always have to watch. For now, he doesn’t mind or care much.

Saturday morning was soccer day for Reese. Before soccer they had pictures which will turn out super cute.

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This is Reese’s team and coaches…picture taken over the photographers shoulder.

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This week I took Reese to Target to get some soccer shorts but she saw this athletic skirt and had to have it! It is perfectly her.

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This week the coach took the three tallest girls and showed them some goalie tips. Reese, of course, fell in to this category and did pretty well in the goal.

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This is from during the game and she had just stopped the ball and thrown it back out for her to team to get. This little red team had two girls on it that were really good. They each scored a goal on Reese while she was in goal but it didn’t stop her. She said she enjoyed it.

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During the second game we didn’t get any pictures but Reese was on fire in that game. It took a little while but she finally scored a goal. After scoring that first goal, everything kind of clicked and she scored four more! She had the biggest grin on her face the whole game. She ran more than she probably has at all in her life. It was a lot of fun watching her and she had a blast!

After the game we went to Bar-B-Cutie with Aunt Becky and our neighbors. And then that evening we had our neighbors over to cookout. Since it was so warm we pulled out the pool. Even though the water was freezing the kids had a lot of fun.

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The girls had fun swinging all by themselves on the swing set.

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And they all played very well together. It was a great evening with our friends.

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Today after church we headed to Decatur to celebrate Connor’s birthday. It was a little jumpy place and the kids had fun running around and playing. I forgot my camera so I didn’t get any pictures. Now we are just relaxing for a little while before bed time and getting ready for the week ahead.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Words heard here...

If you were to spend any length of time around our house, you would here these phrases over and over again.

Sam: "I do it all by me self!"

Reese: "That's not fair!"

Me: "You guys are making me bananas!"

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ballet Costume

The theme for Reese's ballet recital this year is American Girl Dolls. Here is a picture of her costume and also a drawing of herself wearing the costume.

Pretty good, huh?

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, March 10, 2012

She Shoots, She Scores!

Reese had her first soccer game today. She is playing for the Y this year. During the first thirty minutes they have practice and then the last thirty minutes they play two fifteen minute games. Reese’s friend from the neighborhood, Emma, is on her team.

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When the coach’s wife was handing out shirts she asked if anyone had a number preference. Reese immediately yelled out ten so that is what she got. They are “Team Portugal”.

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The coach was a little late this morning because he ran a 10K so another mom ran the practice for a little while. We ended up knowing her through a mutual friend.

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Reese had a huge grin on her face the whole time and kept waving to us or giving us a thumbs up.

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It took a little while for the kids to get going during the game and they had no concept of boundaries. It was really funny because if there was not a coach close to them they would continue running after the ball over several fields.

Finally Reese was able to get her foot on the ball. She started dribbling the ball (towards the correct goal I might add), followed it up and took a shot on goal. She SCORED! We were so happy and excited for her.

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She also stood in the goal as the goalie for a second or two. I really don’t remember her standing here longer than for this picture.

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It was such a fun and cute time this morning. Reese really enjoyed herself. All day she has said, “Since I scored a goal today, can I …?”.

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I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season goes. I hope she enjoys it just as much as she did today.

Like Father, Like Son

I meant to do this post a while back. Lance’s sister, Kathy, found this picture of the two of them with Santa back in 1979. Lance was just over a year old when it was taken.


After posting that picture on Facebook, she added this picture of Reese and Sam. Sam is just over two years old.


How funny is that?? Pure terror in both of their sweet faces while their big sisters have a huge grin. Oh it cracks me up!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Just Dance!

When the kids spent the weekend at my parents house they played Just Dance over and over and over. We decided to buy Just Dance Kids for them when we got home as a reward for being good at “Gigi and Gran’s”.

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It is an awesome game! They love playing it. And have now played it over and over and over.

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Reese has several favorite songs. Sam’s favorite song, by far, is Five Little Monkeys. I love watching them dance. I definitely need to get a video of the dancing because some of the dance moves are so funny!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Class Clown

We think Sam is going to be the class clown in school. He will start the school year off great and behaving. Once he gets comfortable he will start cracking jokes and being silly. He really is silly a lot of the time.

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If we laugh at what he is doing he just runs with it.

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He makes us giggle and I just love it!

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Hopefully the class clown thing won’t get him in to too much trouble in the future!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This Little Light of Mine

I’m going to let her shine!

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Let her shine!

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Let her shine!

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Let her shine!

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