Friday started our busy weekend with a busy day. I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning and then we ran some errands and ate at Chick-fil-A. In the afternoon Reese had ballet as usual but it was parent watch day. I decided to just keep Sam with me so we made it parent-brother watch day. They showed us some of their stretches and other fun things they do in class.

After stretching they showed us a preview of their recital dance. Reese was excited to have us in there with her.

Friday night we had pizza and a movie night. We decided to watch Tinkerbell…again. We were going to watch a new movie but then couldn’t find it so Tink it was. One day Sam is going to start giving us a hard time about the girly movies we always have to watch. For now, he doesn’t mind or care much.
Saturday morning was soccer day for Reese. Before soccer they had pictures which will turn out super cute.

This is Reese’s team and coaches…picture taken over the photographers shoulder.

This week I took Reese to Target to get some soccer shorts but she saw this athletic skirt and had to have it! It is perfectly her.

This week the coach took the three tallest girls and showed them some goalie tips. Reese, of course, fell in to this category and did pretty well in the goal.

This is from during the game and she had just stopped the ball and thrown it back out for her to team to get. This little red team had two girls on it that were really good. They each scored a goal on Reese while she was in goal but it didn’t stop her. She said she enjoyed it.

During the second game we didn’t get any pictures but Reese was on fire in that game. It took a little while but she finally scored a goal. After scoring that first goal, everything kind of clicked and she scored four more! She had the biggest grin on her face the whole game. She ran more than she probably has at all in her life. It was a lot of fun watching her and she had a blast!
After the game we went to Bar-B-Cutie with Aunt Becky and our neighbors. And then that evening we had our neighbors over to cookout. Since it was so warm we pulled out the pool. Even though the water was freezing the kids had a lot of fun.

The girls had fun swinging all by themselves on the swing set.

And they all played very well together. It was a great evening with our friends.

Today after church we headed to Decatur to celebrate Connor’s birthday. It was a little jumpy place and the kids had fun running around and playing. I forgot my camera so I didn’t get any pictures. Now we are just relaxing for a little while before bed time and getting ready for the week ahead.