Wow! I can’t believe Christmas has come and gone. It was a blur for sure.
On the 22nd we started our Christmas celebration with my dad’s family. We had a great time visiting with everyone. We were missing several cousins and hope to see them all soon.

On the 24th we went to Lance’s sisters house. Lance’s parents, sister, and nephews were there waiting on us. We ate and visited and ate some more for a little while.

Then it was present time.

The kids got these hippity-hops with horse covers. These gifts have probably been the most used so far. They love them!

Lance’s sister bought Reese some make-up. Since she was the giver, she got to get a make-over. Reese also did her own make-up but did not want me to take her picture…hence her scary look in this picture. She has actually gotten better at putting her own make-up on since then. However, when she puts make-up on Sam (much to Lance’s dismay) he looks super scary. She likes to draw eyebrows on him. It looks so weird.

After Christmas Eve service we headed home to get ready for Santa. The kids put cookies and milk out and then they were off to bed. Santa took it really easy this year and this mommy was VERY happy about that.

The kids were so excited to get downstairs and see their loot.

Reese was most excited about her art kit from Santa. She has loved drawing with it and has even been very sweet to share it with Sam.

I had talked to several mommies whose kids had the ImagiNext Castle. They all had rave reviews so Santa brought the castle and Ogre for Sam. He has had a lot of fun playing with it so far…and so has Lance. He also got the dragon from Lance’s mom.

The picture above was the damage done after everything was open and out. And the house has remained this way since. I have no idea where everything is going to go.
Later in the morning my parents and grandmother came over. Apparently we didn’t get any pictures though. They gave the kids lots of fun things including the big Pottery Barn chair for Hayes. Now we have three of those gigantic chairs in our family room.
We have one more get together this weekend so we should have a few more pictures to come.