Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ten Years

Today, Lance and I have been married for TEN years. Time really flies! It is crazy to look back on these last ten years and all of the things that have happened. Our life is so much better than I could have dreamed on that day ten years ago. I was so naïve and really was just living in the moment. I had known my whole life that I wanted to be a mom who got to spend the days with her kids but I truly didn’t know if that would happen. Ten years later, Lance has worked so hard every day to keep that dream a reality.




One year in…Lance wanted to know what it would look like to shave his entire head with a straight razor so he did it right before we left for a cruise. Needless to say, that hair-do has never come back.

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Two years in…pregnant with Reese

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I could not find a single picture of the two of us from around our third anniversary…that is what happens when you have kids…this was taken in July and it is looking up my nose…you’re welcome.

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Quite honestly, there are no more pictures of us alone for a long time after this last picture. Ha! When we do have date nights or alone time, we don’t think to take pictures of ourselves.

And here we are ten years later!!


And just for a little comparison…
