Friday, March 6, 2015


This week Reese’s school had a spirit week of sorts. Each day was a different theme. The day she was looking forward to the most was “dress like your favorite teacher day”. Reese chose her art teacher. She is a fun, loud, silly teacher and Reese totally loves her. For a week or so I had Reese watch how she dressed so we could try to replicate it as best we could. She said that she wore school spirit shirts almost every day (the PTA president is always making all of the teachers cute shirts with their school initials on them) and an apron every day. The day before she told us that her art teacher always wears a microphone around her neck and will walk down the halls, set her frequency to a classrooms frequency, and whisper “Rockstar” through their speakers. She said you never see her art teacher do this but will always hear her. That just cracked me up so we made a microphone to hang around Reese’s neck and she carried an art pallet and paint brushes. She was so excited for this day and couldn’t wait to go see her art teacher. When she got to the art room she said her teacher took a picture of her. Reese said she was the only student to dress like her that day.

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