Thursday, May 12, 2016

Hayes's Last Day of School

Today is Hayes's last day of school. I keep saying to him, "I can't even believe it!". I really can't believe that his first year of school is over. He had such an amazing time in school and really grew a lot. I walked him in on Tuesday to give his teachers their gifts. When I was chatting with his teacher she asked me if I remembered telling her at the beginning of the year that Hayes was our firecracker at home. She said, "Well, we always laughed about that because we just didn't see it and we didn't believe you. But we have started seeing it lately. Not in a bad way! He is just starting to show us who he is and is totally comfortable here." I'm not sure exactly what he is doing to show his true self now but it might be best that it is the end of the year. 

Remember at Meet and Greet, Hayes wouldn't let me take his picture with his teacher? Well I finally got his picture with them today at pick-up! This was his lead teacher...

And the assistant...

They were super sweet with him and he loved them. Finally he started calling them Mrs. Last Name instead of by their last name only.

Every morning when I would drop him off I would say, "Have a great day! Be a sweet friend. Follow directions." and he would say, "And don't scream at my teachers!" Every.single.morning and it cracked me up every time! That started back in October when he tested the boundaries. His teacher said they were going to sit down and listen to a story and he yelled out "No!". She said, "Hayes we don't scream at our teachers." When he got in the car that day, he told me what happened and I explained again that we don't scream at our teachers. She never even brought it up to me. I finally asked her about it a few weeks later and she laughed and said it was no big deal and that he was just testing to see what would happen if he did that. I was mortified but never brought it up to him again. And then the next time he had drop off, I ran through my list at good-bye and he added his own little line and has done that every day since then. 

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