Reese's soccer season ended today. She had a great season. Her team was in the u10 division. The team played that level in the fall but since Reese was cheering this was her first season in u10. The differences moving up to u10 at the Y were that there is one more man on the field, the field is bigger, and they have an actual ref. Reese seemed to adapt pretty well and I thought she had a great season. She typically plays forward. She scored at least one goal each game (except today).
This weekend was the tournament to end the season. Unfortunately, Reese was sick and the doctor said she could not play. She has been doing breathing treatments every four hours since Friday and taking two different antibiotics.
Yesterday her team had two games. She sat with them on the sidelines and was in charge of subs.
After the second game, Reese told her coach she wanted to play in the Sunday games. We said we would see how she was doing on Sunday but she seemed fine enough. But when we were getting ready for the game, she was crying and saying her stomach hurt. I think all of the medicine was hurting her belly.
Luckily there are several little brothers on this team. We brought tons of toys and the boys hung out together.
She sat out for about 15 minutes of the start of the game and then decided she wanted to go in. She still wasn't feeling great and played for about five minutes total of the game...thus, no goal but she did get the assist on the one goal her team scored.
They lost this last game and ended their run in the tournament. It was a great season and we just love her coach.
I cannot get over how big she is! She looks all grown up! And like quite the little athlete :)