Friday, November 30, 2012

Playing Together

It is funny, right now Sam is watching a Daniel Tiger episode talking about “find a way to play together”. I need to sit him and Reese down together to watch this show. I think because I have been a little distracted and preoccupied lately, the two of them have been fighting and not getting along very well. There has been a lot of fussing, tattling, and yelling happening. So on the rare moment I caught them playing well together, I needed to snap some pictures.

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It didn’t last too long. But long enough that I appreciated it.

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Reese is not a good loser. If Sam is even close to winning a game, the game is over before he can win.

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We have a new punishment we have been trying when they are not getting along. They have to sit together on the sofa and hold hands for five minutes. A couple of years ago I read Kurt Warner’s book and his wife describes how they did this in their family and I thought it was a great idea. So far the holding hands is enough for my kids. In the Warner family, if the hand holding doesn’t work, they have to hug for several minutes. If hugging doesn’t work they have to kiss.  Haha! I don’t know if I would take it that far but you never know. I really love when the kids play well together and giggle together. I want them to be best friends the way I am with my sisters!

Celebrating Lance

Yesterday was Lance’s birthday. The kids were so excited for him to get home from work to celebrate with him. They hid from him when he got home and jumped out and yelled “Happy Birthday!” when he walked in the door. The first thing they wanted was for him to open his present.

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For his actual birthday he only got a sweater. He had already bought himself a birthday gift a couple of weeks ago.

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He had requested Chicken Pot Pie for his birthday dinner so I made that. However, it was my first time and I did something wrong. We ended up having Zaxby’s for dinner instead. Oops! I will have to try that again another time. I also made a cake for his birthday that I found on Pinterest. It was pretty good…and we have a ton left!

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We appreciate all that you do, Daddy! We love you and hope you had a happy birthday!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Finding time…

It seems to be hard to find time to actually sit down and post updates. I have tons of pictures and words but not much time.

Thanksgiving day, we woke up and watched the Thanksgiving Day parade. Reese was most excited about this but that only lasted about an hour. Then she was bored with it. She did snuggle Hayes some while she watched. That afternoon we had Lance’s family and some of our neighbors over to celebrate. We had a nice evening but didn’t get any pictures taken.

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That night the kids put their Christmas pajamas on. We had decided that Friday would be a pajama day while we decorated for Christmas. Reese was very excited about decorating the house. She was a big help.

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Some one stuck a Rudolph doll in the swing with Hayes.

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All three monkeys with their Christmas pajamas on. They all look thrilled.

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Saturday we cheered on Georgia Tech at some friends house. We tried to get a family picture and this was the best we could do. We all sported our Tech clothes/colors…even me! Gasp! I figured I might as well coordinate with my family this year. It didn’t help Tech out any though. We had a great time and the kids had a blast together.

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Random phone pictures:

Sam as Batman

photo 1

Reese as the Red Power Ranger. This was Sam’s Halloween costume. It would fit her perfectly if I hadn’t hemmed it to fit Sam. Sam didn’t really enjoy her being dressed in his costume. Later she had on dress-up high heels and a flower headband in her hair while wearing this costume.

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I caught Hayes smiling the other night. He was just staring at the fan grinning away.

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Last night some friends brought dinner over and stayed to eat with us. The kids had fun playing Candy Land and Twister together.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hayes' First Playdate

Yesterday morning we met some friends at the park to play. It was the perfect morning. The weather was not too sunny and not too cold. The kids all played so well together. After Ring Around the Rosie's, they played Duck, Duck, Goose. They looked like such big kids sitting in a circle chatting. Usually when we are all together the kids kind of pair off and play. We were so impressed to see them all play together for a bit with out our direction.

These three little guys below were all born with in two months of each other. They were all very good at our play date too. I know it won't be long before they are running around on this playground too.

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving School Party

Last Thursday Sam’s class had a Thanksgiving feast. He was very shy and quiet when I first got there. He quickly got over that.

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They had some yummy treats.

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Later they made these cute little turkey legs for craft time.

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I had fun visiting with him in his class. It is always so cute to see the kids in their own element.

Friday, November 16, 2012

More Firsts

Today was my first day without Lance home. He went back to work a day earlier than planned. I think he was getting anxious about how much work was piling up.

Today was also my first time driving with all three kids in the car. We had to pick Reese up from school to go to ballet. I usually take Sam to the library during ballet but decided against that for now until Hayes is bigger. Instead I let him just watch a movie in the car. Hayes just slept the whole time.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two Weeks Old

Today Hayes had his first bath.  Needless to say, he did not enjoy it!

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photo 3

Sunday, November 11, 2012

In Pictures

Thursday, Lance was able to go to Sam’s school and celebrate his birthday with his class. I found some Power Ranger rings online to use as decorations for cupcakes. I also bought some Power Ranger plates. When Sam saw them he was so excited. He couldn’t wait to use them.

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Lance said that Sam was very quiet while he was there. When he asked his teacher if he was normally like that she said no. He is usually their most interactive in class. He is also the oldest in his class so that is not really surprising.

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He was very excited about the birthday crown. I was so sad that I was not able to go and celebrate with him but I think he was thrilled to have Daddy there with him.

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Friday was parent watch day at ballet. Once again I was not able to go so Lance had a sneak peek in to Reese’s pink and girly world.

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I am glad Lance had this chance. He gets to hear all about ballet but only ever gets to see the recital. This showed him things they are doing in class way before the recital even comes around. I think Reese (secretively) enjoyed having Daddy there as well.

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This weekend was a weekend full of celebrating Sam. Saturday Lance’s family came over with CFA and presents. Sam is officially a Power Ranger with all of the gear he racked up this weekend.

Saturday night we just chilled. It was a nice night to just relax. After being held so much during the day, Lance laid Hayes down on the floor to stretch out some. When he put him on his stomach he fell right asleep. Sam wanted to snuggle up to him.

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We decided we wanted to see all three of the kids side by side. However, they were not really interested in us taking their picture so this was the best we could do.

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Today, my parents and grandmother came over for some more celebrating of Sam. He got some fun super hero clothes and another birthday cake.

We had a great weekend and are so thankful for family who want to celebrate our sweet babies.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sam is Three!!

Today is Sam's third birthday! I can not even believe my sweet baby boy is three. We had a nice day celebrating him. This morning, bright and early, he opened his presents. Lance brought him an icing covered doughnut home after dropping Reese off at school. And tonight he got to choose our movie for pizza and a movie night...Power Rangers, of course. Yesterday, Lance took cupcakes to his class to celebrate. Hopefully, I will get more pictures up tomorrow but for now these are the ones I captured on my phone.

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, November 8, 2012

In Love

I think it is safe to say that we are all pretty much in love with our sweet little man! I can't get enough of holding him and loving on him.

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Monday, Hayes had his first visit to the doctor. He weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz. The funniest thing to us was his length. When he was born he was 22.5" long. However, he had a major cone head because of the amount of time he was stuck in the birth canal. We laughed at the time that he would loose an inch or so once the cone went away. Well after two tries at measuring him at the doctors office, Hayes was only 21" long! A whole inch and a half was lost!

Today Lance needed to go to the grocery store after Reese was home from school. He wanted to leave both kids home with me but I wasn't up for that challenge just yet. He decided to take Sam with him and leave Reese home with me. I really wanted to take a shower and Reese really wanted to hold Hayes so we worked out a plan. She held him on my bed while I showered! She did a great job. I set up my iPad with a movie on it and I could see them the whole time. She just cuddled him and watched her movie. It was perfect and she was a great big help!

- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I wasn't quite sure how Sam would be once the baby was born. I should have known he would have no problems. He is so chill most of the time and just goes with the flow.

He likes to hold "Baby Hayes" and make sure that he always has his lovey.

The funniest thing that Sam says is "Paci-on-fire". When Hayes is crying he asks if he wants his "paci-on-fire" so he will stop crying.

It cracks me up to hear him say this. He is so funny and so sweet!

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Few Pictures

Here are a few pictures from the last few days.

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Not enjoying his first bath.

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Reese thought it felt so funny for Hayes to suck on the paci with her finger in there.

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Ready to go home!

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Finally in the car.

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And we made it home.

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The kids made a sign for us. It was super cute.

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This was the first time Sam really was interested in seeing/holding Hayes. He loved it.

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And, of course, Reese loves holding him too.

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Me with all of my little monkeys.

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My boys!

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