Yesterday Reese and Sam had their first day of 4th grade and 1st grade. How did summer go by so fast? We had such a fun and busy summer that it flew. While we were all ready for a little routine back in our lives, I still missed them yesterday and wished we still had some more summertime fun together.
Last Monday teacher post cards were supposed to arrive in the mail. When Reese got her postcard she was bummed at first because it wasn't the teacher she was hoping for. However, once she found out one of her best friends was in her class, she was thrilled. She ended up working through her disappointment in her teacher and decided that she got the very best one. Sam's postcard didn't make it to our house until the day of meet & greet so we had to call the school to find out who his teacher was. On Monday when his didn't come, I said, "Surprise! I forgot to tell you I am homeschooling you!" He yelled YAY!

This little 1st grader had a hard time being excited for school. None of his friends from last year are in his class this year, while about eight of them are all in the same class together. His K class had a really sweet bond. He was pretty upset that only two kids from last year are in his class this year and kept saying he didn't know anyone in his class. I told him he didn't know anyone in his class last year but now has 17 new friends so the same thing can happen again. He isn't buying it.

He had tears in his eyes the whole way to his classroom and kept looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes. Even this morning he was still not happy about it and asked me to call the principal and move him in to the class with his friends. I told him that we prayed this summer about their teachers and that they would be put in the perfect class for them and so we know he is where he is supposed to be even if he can't see that right now. Still, he is not buying it. I know he will be fine but I thought about him all day yesterday.
This brave girl has been so excited about school starting. She is so social and loves to be at school with her friends. She loves her teacher already and could not wait to go back again today. When we were walking in to the school she told me I didn't have to walk her all the way to her class so she gave me a quick kiss good-bye and headed on to her classroom while I walked Sam to his class.
Getting our annual first day of school pictures...
That 5:30 am wake-up call had me struggling around lunch time!
I couldn't wait to see them get off the bus that afternoon. They both had a great day. Reese told me all about her day in detail while Sam didn't have much to say. Even at dinner, Lance and I were trying to drag things out of Sam but he wasn't spilling much. I'm not sure if that is the difference between boys and girls or Reese and Sam. Ha!
I am excited for the kids school year and to see how much they grown and change over this next school year!