Thursday, June 28, 2007
It was supposed to be today
The first time we went to the doctor after finding out I was pregnant they said the due date was June 28th. That is today. After two ultrasounds they determined the due date would be July 16th...two weeks and four days from now. Now that we are done shopping and have everything in place, I think I am ready for her to get here. And I am ready for a break from work...tick...tick...tick...
My Macho Husband
The last several times Lance has gotten his haircut at Great Clips or one of those cheap places he has come home with a less than desired haircut. He complains about how they cut it, etc. More than likely the people cutting hair went to "cosmetology school" a long time ago and have not continued their training since. They don't even wash your hair...they spray it with a water bottle before they start cutting. Well I talked him in to going to a nicer place at least once to see how much better they would do then Great Clips. I made an appointment for him at Bob Steele over by Town Center. It was such a funny experience that I have to share it here...sorry honey! First of all he did not want to go there by himself. He wanted to make sure everyone there knew he had a wife (that was probably making him go there). As soon as we started walking up to the door, he puffs out his chest (like a man). When we walk in the girl asks if she can help us. I look at Lance since it is his appointment. He says (like Tarzan) while pointing to himself, "appointment...6:15". The girl ask if he is Lance and he confirms that he is. She then directs us to go sit on the couch in the middle of the salon. He is confused as to why they put you in the "back" of the salon on a nice comfy couch to wait. I guess he is used to the lovely fold out chairs in the front of Great Clips. After sitting there for only five minutes (unlike the potential 30 minutes at Great Clips), the girl comes to take him back for a hair cut. She consults with him on what he wants done to his hair, does he want her to use shears or clippers, etc. He tells her that I made him come there to get his hair cut because I don't want him looking sloppy at the wedding he is in next weekend. She then takes him to wash his hair. He seemed to really enjoy that and began to relax a little. She continually asked him if she was doing as he wished. She obviously wanted him to happy with what she was doing and not just waiting for the paycheck at the end. She walked him up to the register, he paid (and gave her a nice tip), and then on the way out I asked him what he thought. He said he liked it and that the next time he could come by himself. I am so proud of him...even if he was a little Tarzan like. I think his hair cut turned out great!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Mounting Stress
Is my stress mounting because I feel like I need to finish everything going on in my life over the next three weeks? Work is crazy today and I am afraid that at any moment everything could fall apart and I will not have time to get it done. I don't know why I am so worried about this. Today at the doctor visit she said the baby is still ripening so she is not coming out any time soon. I need to relax. Luckily it is Monday...I have no idea what I am going to do once I do not have Yoga to turn to!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I think we are ready!
We have purchased everything we can think of, washed everything we own, put everything where it belongs, taken all of our classes, had a hospital tour...now we are just waiting on the baby to arrive. Today we finished all of our shopping and found out who the mystery purchaser of our stroller was! Donnie and Carrie are great friends for buying the stroller for us and we can't wait to return the favor later! Wink, wink! Here are some pictures of the finished nursery! I think it turned out great...and her closet is packed!!

Friday, June 22, 2007
She does like her Daddy
Over the last couple of months Lance has started to get a complex that the baby does not like him. When ever she is moving around I will tell him. When he puts his hand on my stomach, she will stop moving. It actually became quite amusing. Last night Lance started talking to her while we were laying in bed. He would get real close to my belly and say something to her or ask her a question. Every time he stopped talking she would kick right where is voice had been. I don't know if it was coincidence or if she was responding to him. Needless to say we were cracking up. He started asking her what names she liked. I think she picked her own name last night...hopefully we are done with name picking because it is kind of stressful.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Baby Essentials
Over all I think the class was definitely worth the money! Most of the things you learn in there are common sense and you would probably eventually figure them out for yourself but it was nice to have some one just tell you how it is before you even get your feet wet. I thought the bathing lesson was the most informative part. We found out that Northside Hospital has created their own "how-to" video for taking care of newborns that you receive in the hospital once you have had your baby. I think that is great! Out of the six couples in our class everyone was having a girl except for one girl that didn't know what she was having. That was completely opposite from our childbirth class...out of ten couples everyone in there was having a boy except for two people.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Closer to the end
I can tell it is getting closer to the end of this pregnancy. I am ALWAYS hungry and honestly don't really care how much I am eating. I know that is unusual for me. I have been very consious about my food intake up until now. I am still being smart but I really want some good junk food. If I want it and have access to it, I am eating it! What is keeping me in balance is that I am so hungry I fill up my plate but my stomach is so squished right now I get full quickly...and I am then uncomfortable for a little while.
Tonight we are taking a "Babies Essentials" class in Alpharetta...so that means we have to eat on the way there. I can't wait for Arby's...yumyum!!! Hopefully this class is worth being up past my bed time for!
Tonight we are taking a "Babies Essentials" class in Alpharetta...so that means we have to eat on the way there. I can't wait for Arby's...yumyum!!! Hopefully this class is worth being up past my bed time for!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Pictures from Tampa...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Busy Weekend
Friday afternoon my office had a baby shower for me and Lance. It was great. They did a great job putting everything together and we received some amazing gifts. We have almost everything we need now!! I can't believe it...and with only four weeks to go.
Friday night we went to dinner and then went over to Babies R Us to take a look at what else we need. We have tons of gift cards to Target and BRU so we figured out how best to spend them...which we will do this coming weekend. We ended up buying a glider on Target online...hopefully that will ship to us soon.
Saturday we had our childbirth class all day...9-5!!! It was a long day but I think it was mostly worth it. It calmed some fears we both had...and maybe created some new ones ;). No, it was a good class and it helped us make some decisions we hadn't really thought about before.
Sunday we went to church where my UpStreet team and class had a baby shower for me. It was so sweet and they did a great job. We got some great things at this shower as well. Then we had to divide and conquer for Father's Day since our weekend was so busy. Lance had dinner with his family in Cumming and I had dinner with my family at Perimeter. My family met at Cheeseburger in Paradise. I had never been there but it was super cute. They had great decor and a fun atmosphere.
So it is Monday again...time is flying by! Luckily this weekend will not be so busy. We just have to finish getting prepared for the baby because we will not have another weekend available before she is born.
Have a great week!
Friday night we went to dinner and then went over to Babies R Us to take a look at what else we need. We have tons of gift cards to Target and BRU so we figured out how best to spend them...which we will do this coming weekend. We ended up buying a glider on Target online...hopefully that will ship to us soon.
Saturday we had our childbirth class all day...9-5!!! It was a long day but I think it was mostly worth it. It calmed some fears we both had...and maybe created some new ones ;). No, it was a good class and it helped us make some decisions we hadn't really thought about before.
Sunday we went to church where my UpStreet team and class had a baby shower for me. It was so sweet and they did a great job. We got some great things at this shower as well. Then we had to divide and conquer for Father's Day since our weekend was so busy. Lance had dinner with his family in Cumming and I had dinner with my family at Perimeter. My family met at Cheeseburger in Paradise. I had never been there but it was super cute. They had great decor and a fun atmosphere.
So it is Monday again...time is flying by! Luckily this weekend will not be so busy. We just have to finish getting prepared for the baby because we will not have another weekend available before she is born.
Have a great week!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
For a couple of weeks now the baby has been getting the hiccups every day. For a while they happened at the same time each day but now they are random. It is so weird when it happens and some times it can be distracting (like while I am sitting in a meeting). The hiccups remind me that there is something living inside of me! It can be a very frightening thought some times. How has this time gone by so fast?
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
So it turns out the problem with the AC was not bad as it could have been. It is working now and we are very lucky!! We were able to sleep upstairs in comfort last night..woohoo!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
We're back!
We are back from Florida. It was a very nice and relaxing trip. Thursday we were able to spend some time with Lance's family in Jacksonville and then we drove over to Tampa that evening. We hadn't planned on getting to Tampa until Friday but the hotel had room for us to come on Thursday so it was perfect. We spent the entire day at the beach on Friday. Lance fried in the sun even though he sat under the umbrella most of the day...he wasn't very good at applying sunscreen. The funniest and most entertaining part of our time at the beach was when we were eating lunch a bird flew down and took a bite out of Lance's sandwich. He was none to happy but looking back it was pretty funny! That evening we went to dinner with my cousin's...it was a kid dinner...the adults wanted to have dinner alone. We learned that we will always be part of the "kids table" even when we have our own kids. We are totally fine with that because I love being around my cousins. Saturday we spent most of the day by the pool and then attended my cousins wedding. It was beautiful and perfect! I will post pictures from this weekend soon.
After a long drive home yesterday we realized that the air conditioner upstairs was not working. We slept downstairs to stay cool but we both slept horrible. Hopefully Lance can get some one out to the house to take care of the AC...and hopefully it will not cost too much money!
This morning I had a doctors visit. Every thing is great...and I didn't gain too much weight on vacation. The baby's head is pointing down which is perfect. The doctor actually let Lance feel her head today. Pretty cool! I have my next appointment in two weeks and then I will start going once a week after that! Time is flying by and it is pretty scary! We have our childbirthing class this Saturday...it is going to be like going to work because it is from 9-5.
This is going to be a long week. I had two three day weeks in a row. Putting in a five day week and then an all day class on Saturday is going to be painful!
After a long drive home yesterday we realized that the air conditioner upstairs was not working. We slept downstairs to stay cool but we both slept horrible. Hopefully Lance can get some one out to the house to take care of the AC...and hopefully it will not cost too much money!
This morning I had a doctors visit. Every thing is great...and I didn't gain too much weight on vacation. The baby's head is pointing down which is perfect. The doctor actually let Lance feel her head today. Pretty cool! I have my next appointment in two weeks and then I will start going once a week after that! Time is flying by and it is pretty scary! We have our childbirthing class this Saturday...it is going to be like going to work because it is from 9-5.
This is going to be a long week. I had two three day weeks in a row. Putting in a five day week and then an all day class on Saturday is going to be painful!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Florida...here we come!
We are going to Florida for the weekend...YEAH! Tomorrow we are going to Jacksonville to visit Lance's family there and to have Lance's uncle work on his mouth (he is a dentist). Then Friday we are headed to Tampa. My cousin is getting married there so we are using the oppurtunity to get in some beach time! I am excited to have some time away! Hopefully it will be a great weekend! I love the beach...it makes me happy!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
After all of this time of feeling the baby move, it still amazes me. The movements are much stronger and more intense now. I imagine that is because she is getting so much bigger and her space is not. I have definitely been lucky during this pregnancy. I have nothing to complain about. To hear other women complaining about things they are going through reminds me of how lucky I have been and reminds me to be thankful!!
Monday, June 4, 2007
My Two Favorites!
Here are my two favorite people from the Atlanta auditions of "So You Think You Can Dance?"
Robot Dancer
Robot Dancer
So many things
My girlfriends had a baby shower for me yesterday. It was wonderful and we received so many great gifts. It is amazing how much this tiny little person needs. As Lance and I were going through everything last night we could not believe all of the stuff we have. There is no way we could provide all of this with out the help of our friends and family! There is still so much to buy but we are definitely started off on the right foot. We realized last night that we only have six weeks to go and that is so little time to finish preparing!!
We finally picked out a day care this past week. I sent in our enrollment form this morning. What a hard decision! Putting the envelope in the mail was tough...how am I going to leave her in some one else's care that first time? I just have to trust that this is the right thing to do for now. One day I will be able to stay home.
Only three days of work this week...hooray!!
We finally picked out a day care this past week. I sent in our enrollment form this morning. What a hard decision! Putting the envelope in the mail was tough...how am I going to leave her in some one else's care that first time? I just have to trust that this is the right thing to do for now. One day I will be able to stay home.
Only three days of work this week...hooray!!
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