He looks like he is saying "Get this girl away from me!"

Here is Reese after finishing a whole jar of Oatmeal with Applesauce and Bananas in it. This was the first time she tried it and she obviously really liked it...

Reese has started to say Da-Da. She is still working on it. Usually it is just a whisper and is just the D sound. I catch her practicing in her crib in the mornings. In this video you can see her moving her mouth to say it and you can hear her make the D sound a couple of times.
Here is a still shot of Lance at work...notice the water dripping out of his nose.
If you type Neti Pot in to YouTube, you can find a bunch of entertaining videos!!
Here is the video from Reese eating vegetables for the first time. She had green beans here...and they were disgusting!!
My sweet potatoes video would not load so I will try that one later!