Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by
MckMama. You can head over to
her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I love reading this blog so I figured I would give her "Not Me!" Monday a try!
Two days in a row I have NOT left my daughter in her crib for an hour and a half to play instead of napping because I needed some alone time and I am not ready for her to give up her nap yet. Nope, not me. She has happily cooperated and slept the entire time.
This morning I did not tell my husband I was going to clean the house today but instead run out to meet a friend to go shopping as soon as she called and asked if I wanted to meet...nope, not me!!
This weekend we did not spend $35 on SIX new Elmo videos just because we were tired of watching the same ones over and over. And we did not turn the Christmas Elmo on for the same reason.
We did not say we were going to start eating healthier and then eat out Friday night, eat pizza Saturday, and then eat out Sunday. Nope, not us!! We would ALWAYS stick to our diets!!
I think that is enough telling on myself for one day. Maybe I will try this again next week...