Yesterday we had a family birthday party for Sam and Hayes. We had aunts, cousins, grandparents and great-grandparents at our house. It was a nice day celebrating our boys!

Our November Birthday Gang

Brody, the baby whisperer. Hayes wanted nothing to do with picture taking and cried while trying to get pictures. When I sat him in Brody’s lap for a quick picture he immediately stopped crying and just sat there relaxed.

Hayes wasn’t feeling good at all. He was whiny and whimpering most of the day. But outside where he could walk around was perfect. Lance squatted down to take his picture walking and he got so excited….

You can tell Hayes wasn’t feeling well looking at his eyes. Poor buddy! He didn’t feel well for several days but seems to be doing better today.

After some pictures we did birthday cake. I just made cupcakes for everyone and made little small cakes for Hayes and Sam. Hobby Lobby had some mustache and neck tie themed plates that said “Happy Birthday Little Man” so we ran with that theme. I just ironed on the mustaches to Sam and Hayes’ shirt to go along with that theme.

Doesn’t he look so pitiful?

It took Hayes a second to get going but then he dove in to the cake.

He loved every bit of the it…but wasn’t sure about everyone singing to him.

Next it was Sam’s turn to have everyone sing to him. He enjoyed the singing and the icing!

Yesterday was also Lance’s dads actual birthday. After the birthday party for the boys, his family hung around for a cookout to celebrate Pop. We cooked out and then made s’mores. This is a bad picture but the only one I got of the evening. A few days ago we started stringing lights up over our patio but are waiting for a few more strings to come from Target. I can’t wait until they are all here and see how beautiful it is in the back.

Happy birthday to our sweet little men!