We are back in the groove of life again after a busy holiday season. I am finally getting around to recapping 2014. Better late than never.
2014 was a great year for us. We were settling in to our new home nicely and life just flowed. It wasn’t always easy but that is what makes it interesting.
The biggest thing to happen in January was Snowmageddon. It was a crazy few days but we survived. The kids are even hoping it happens again!

It snowed again! Who would have thought it could have snowed this much two months in a row in Georgia?!?

And quite possibly the most exciting thing to happen all month was Aunt Becky getting engaged!

Reese’s school had their Fun Run. She loved it. Make her compete with other people and she is in heaven!

Lance built his first wood working project…a dining table for our patio. That definitely gave him an itch to make more and more great pieces for us! He has really enjoyed this hobby.

We wrapped up a great first school year in our new house with our new neighbors.

Reese learned to ride a bike without training wheels.

Lance and I took a trip to Seattle.

Reese turned 7 and we headed to the beach the same day.

Aunt Becky got MARRIED!!

School was back in session.

We had an awesome time at Disney World.

And were reunited with some of our favorite people after almost two years!

A fun night with our neighbors with a Chili Cook-off and Trick-or-treating.

Hayes turned 2!

Sam turned 5!

And I captured some cute pictures of the kids.
