We have had a super busy, busy, busy weekend. Friday Lance and my dad went to the AT&T classic while Reese and I hung out as normal. The difference in this day was that Lance had to work that night so Reese and I had even more alone time that evening. After putting Reese to bed I watched the movie P.S. I Love You. It was super sappy and I loved every minute of it...with out having to hear Lance make fun of it and me!! Loved the book more but the movie was good too. Lance got home around 3 am and then worked until 4:30am. Finally he came to bed and Reese woke up three hours later. I tried to keep her quiet for as long as possible to let him get some sleep because I knew we were going to be busy the entire weekend. Saturday afternoon we had Reese's baby dedication with our church (not sure why they have it on Saturday). It was nice and we got some super cute pictures of Reese and the rest of the family. After baby dedication we went to lunch with my family and then headed out to watch Brody's baseball game and then Lance's grandmothers viewing. We spent a couple of hours visiting with family and then Reese had had enough so we headed home. Sunday we got up and ready for Lance's grandmothers funeral. After the funeral we went to one of his great-uncle's house and spent a couple of hours there visiting with family that he does not get to see often. Three of his cousins came back to our house with us to spend more time together. It was a lot of fun visiting with them because they are from Texas and we never see them. This morning Reese had a doctors visit for a vaccination...she is 10 months old today...can you believe it?? She weighed 21 pounds and 6 ounces with clothes on. After her doctors visit the five of us headed down to meet Lance for lunch, shopping, and a little more visiting time. We really had a great time with all three of them. They were so sweet with Reese and she definitely loved all of the attention!! I got a picture with her and two of them. Some how Karen escaped with out getting her picture made with Reese. Hopefully we will get to see them again soon...quicker than the three years it has been this past time.
Mommy and Reese at Baby Dedication

Aunt Becky and Aunt Leah with Reese at Baby Dedication

Nana and Granddaddy with Reese at Baby Dedication

Three Generations of Edwards...Pop, Daddy, and Reese

Reese eating some chocolate cake...that she loved...

David reading Reese one of her favorite books...she looks mesmorized

Playing with silly Deann at lunch...she loved her cousin!! That is Karen in the background...I guess she made it in.