
Monday, May 26, 2008

Three beach days and a wedding

We are back from a beautiful, long weekend at the beach. We went to Pensacola Beach on Thursday and came home today. Each day was gorgeous with the usual rain Friday night. It was really windy most of the time and the tide was too strong to get in the ocean...not to mention the million jelly fish that were in the water thus a million more washed up on shore...as you can see in the picture to the right. Friday we just spent the day at the pool and waiting for Becca to arrive. That evening my aunt, uncle, and grandmother came and had dinner with us. Saturday we took Reese over to the beach for the first time. She ate the sand more than she played with it. Then we spent more time at the pool that afternoon. Reese LOVED being in the pool whether she was being held or in her float. Sunday we played more in the pool and then went to my cousin's wedding. It was a gorgeous wedding and ceremony...and probably the fastest wedding I have EVER been to. Reese only squealed once during the ceremony so that was a bonus. The reception was a lot of fun. Reese started getting sleepy around 9:00 (Atlanta time) and eventually fell asleep while the party was going on. Then today we made the six hour trek back home. Reese was so good in the car both ways. We know she was miserable and just wanted to be out of her carseat. We are happy to be home and we are glad to have had such a wonderful vacation!!

Here are some pictures in no particular order!! Hopefully I can get more to show from my mom's camera! We always grabbed it first to take fabulous pictures!!

Reese and Daddy's arrival shot

So happy to finally be out of the car

Checking out the view

After dinner Saturday night...On the boardwalk

Bryan and Amy...Reese was mesmorized

At the wedding reception...isn't that a gorgeous view??

Our view from the condo

Our goodbye beach picture

Goodbye beach picture with Aunt Becky...it was so windy Becca thought she was a super model

On the beach with Daddy

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of the men and women who have fought and are fighting for our freedom! We appreciate ALL of your sacrifices!

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