What a day we have had! It has been packed full of fun!
Reese has been talking about chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles for weeks so I made some for her the night before.
Since Lance was out of town I let Reese have a “sleepover” in my room on her birthday eve. She had the best night of sleep she has ever had and woke up with a smile on her face.
Even though we bought the playset for Reese’s birthday I could not let her birthday go by with no gifts. So, I had a bucket of presents sitting on my nightstand for her when she woke up. It was a Dora bucket with a squishy ball, a princess pen, stickers, and some knock-off Silly Bandz (these were called Character Bands in the shape of Disney Princesses).
She also got two Barbie Dolls once she got downstairs. She loved the Barbie Dolls and played with them most of the day.
For breakfast she wanted a cupcake so I let her have one. I figured that wasn’t any worse than a doughnut!

After breakfast we went to a spray park in Roswell. We took our lunch with us and I took the cupcakes so we could celebrate Reese’s birthday with her friends.

Sam had his own little water spout just his size to play with. He loves to play with the water coming out of the faucet in the bathtub so this was perfect for him!
It took Reese a little while to warm up but once she did she had a blast!
Reese’s friends Maddy and Mary went with us. They had such a great time!!

After nap time we headed to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. We invited a couple of friends Reese’s age to go with us. The girls had such a great time playing together! They each road the carousel a dozen times. It was so funny to watch them. Each time they finished a game or ride they would run back to the table for another token.

Reese had such a wonderful day with her friends! I am so glad she was able to celebrate her special day this way!
Thank you to all of her friends who were there to play with her today.
Reese got to stay up late to wait for Daddy to get home. He got home around 8:30 and then gave her a couple more gifts. She was so happy to see him and tell him all about her day.
What a fun, fun day!