
Sunday, June 26, 2011

You May Now…

Wait! First, let me answer a few questions you may have.

You: “Are you pregnant?”
Me: “NO!”

You: “Are you planning to have more kids?”
Me: “Probably.  It is still on the table.”

You: “Why now?”
Me: “My car kept breaking down.  It was just time.”

You: “How is it?”
Me: “Totally AWESOME!”

Me: “I know my “cool” status has totally dropped now but you are going to be totally jealous when you see how AWESOME it is.”

AND…you may now make fun of me because we bought a minivan!

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I am officially a soccer mom.  And I think I am ok with it.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy birthday Granddaddy

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father’s Day!

We spent the weekend in Nashville so we celebrated Father’s Day on Thursday with Lance.

First thing in the morning we took Reese to VBS and then the three of us went to CFA for breakfast.  Lance took the day off because I had a few things to do so he picked Reese up from VBS.

Reese took this picture of us while Sam was whacking us with the sword you see in the bottom of the picture.

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Seriously Sam is so cute!  Look at that sweet smile.

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I put this green dress on and then Reese said she wanted to wear a green dress too.  Later Lance walked out with his green striped shirt so we decided we might as well put Sam in green too.  Reese called us the “Leprechaun Family”.

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We set up the automatic timer to get a family picture.  This was the best we could do.

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We went ahead and gave Lance his presents too.

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He got a new Braves hat and Polo.

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He actually knew everything he was getting because Reese didn’t keep it a secret.  She did such a great job at keeping my Mother’s Day present a secret I thought I could trust her with his presents.  Oh well!  (Yes, Sam has a necklace on…that is the price you pay for having an older sister.)

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After going out to dinner we ate some yummy ice cream cake from Cold Stone.

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Happy Father’s Day, Lance!  We love you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mommy's New Present

Now I can make the family dinner again...so maybe it is their present??

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, June 13, 2011

VBS and sad faces

Reese had her first day of Vacation Bible School today.  It was the only VBS around that has a three year old program.  Reese was a little nervous this morning because she was afraid she wouldn’t have any friends there.  But our neighbor Emma was there so she was set.  When I got there to pick her up they were singing songs.  Reese was up there with her hands waving in the air and doing all of the motions with the other kids.  I think she really enjoyed herself and is excited to go back tomorrow.


While Reese was at VBS, Sam and I went to the gym and then came home to do laundry.  Sam has a new trick that I got on video today and it cracks me up.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Food Truck Friday

We went to Atlantic Station to have lunch with Lance today. They have food trucks on Friday so that is where we ate.
Reese and Sam ate quesadillas from the taco truck. Lance and I ate shrimp po-boys. After lunch we got to have some treats. Reese was so excited to eat a sno-cone, Lance had a banana pudding popsicle and I got a yum-yum cupcake (that I will share with Sam)! It is so much fun to go down to have lunch with Lance.

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Random Happenings

Sam loves to dance to Pandora.

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He will bring me the remote so that I will turn it on.

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Saturday night we had Lance’s co-workers over for a get-together/baby shower.  

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Yesterday Reese had a friend over from school.  They had a blast and thought it was so funny to make silly faces for the camera.

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Sam wanted to be silly too.

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This has been happening a lot lately.  Terrible Twos, here we come!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Princess Party

Saturday Reese went to a Princess Party for a friend.  They dressed up in their favorite dress up clothes and brought along their favorite friend.

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They made their own crowns and necklaces.

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Did a little wardrobe change…this Snow White outfit is one of my favorites.

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Played pin Cinderella to the castle.

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And hit the piñata. Reese was a little timid at first but then took all of her aggression out on that crown!

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It was a sweet little princess party.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Little Fish

Both kids are LOVING the pool this summer. What an easy and cheap way to entertain them. Sam is enjoying most of all I think. I am so glad they love it because I love it!!

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Ghost?

I am convinced there is a ghost that lives in my laundry room.  A couple of months ago (I think in April) I bought a brand new thing of laundry detergent at BJ’s.  To be specific it was Arm & Hammer (it is the cheapest there with coupons) and it is a huge container.  I put my laundry detergent on a shelf above the washer and dryer…always have…for the last five and a half years of living in this house.  Back in April, I put the new container up on the shelf and used it for the first time.  A while later I was downstairs and heard a huge bang and thought something happened outside so Reese and I ran to the window to look…nothing.  So we go about our business downstairs.  Hours later we put the kids to bed and then I go in to the laundry room to move the clothes in to the dryer and there is an entire container of laundry detergent all over our walls and floor…and remember this is a huge wholesale container so I mean it was everywhere. Lance and I mop it up and I try to clean it off the walls.  It stained the walls so those will need to be repainted.  I finished what little detergent was left and then bought a new container of Gain (just because).

This morning I finished the Gain and opened the new container of Arm & Hammer, put it on the shelf and came down stairs to clean.  About an hour and a half later I hear this huge bang and run upstairs to make sure no one fell out of their bed (it was 6:45…don’t get excited…I couldn’t sleep) and everyone (Reese, Sam, Lance and our nephew Brody) was soundly asleep even though it sounded like a bomb went off upstairs.  I open the laundry room door to move the clothes to the dryer and there it is…the container lying on the floor in the middle of an entire room full of detergent.  Seriously!  How does a container of laundry detergent just jump off the shelf? The only explanation I have is that I have made some ghost mad and they are pushing it off the shelf!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Reese’s Recital Part 2

Reese’s recital was last night at 7:00.  We decided that it would be best to leave Sam home with the babysitter so that we could enjoy it and give Reese all of our attention.  Before we left I wanted to grab some pictures of Reese in her full costume, make-up and hair. She was being a little silly!

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Seriously I think she was in heaven last night.  She was grinning from ear to ear.

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Thanks to Lindsey who pulled up right at this exact moment (you can see her car in the reflection of the window) and helped to put this gigantic smile on Reese’s face.  Reese wanted everybody to see her in her costume and to watch her dance.  She would have invited all of her friends if I had let her.

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When we finally got to the school Reese had quieted down quite a bit.  It was a lot to take in.  There were dancers everywhere backstage.  They had tables set up for all of the little ones to color while they waited.  There were also TVs with a live feed set up so that they could watch what was happening on the stage.  As I was leaving I told her to have fun and to smile big.

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Reese’s class danced to “Once Upon A Dream” from “Sleeping Beauty”.  Miss Amanda played the part of Sleeping Beauty in their dance.  When they came out on to the stage, Reese had the biggest grin on her face and did the best I have seen her do with this dance.  I honestly did not take my eyes off of her the entire dance…and I cried when it was over!  What is my problem lately? I have been crying over a lot! I was just so proud of her!

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After the first half, the little ballerina’s came out to be with their parents (and family).  Reese was so excited to see everyone who came to cheer her on.  Everybody wanted a picture and she smiled for each of them once but then said she was done taking pictures. 

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She came home with more flowers than I had at my wedding I think. Ha! 

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Reese and I decided to stay for the second half of the show so that she could she her assistant teacher dance.  During the fifth number the fire alarm started going off.  They had been testing it that day and thought they had resolved the issue but apparently not.  The girls that were dancing when it started going off were probably 12 or so and they didn’t even flinch.  “The show must go on!” We waited it out for a while to see if it would stop.  But it was 9:45 and I bribed Reese with a milkshake if she would go.  She jumped on that quickly!  She did get to see Miss Megan dance in four dances (they just danced with the music turned up really loud over the sirens) so she was happy and I was happy to get her home and in bed before 11:00. 

What a sweet, sweet night we had!!  I am SOOOOO proud of my sweet little ballerina.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ballet Recital Day!

Today is finally the day of Reese’s ballet recital.  She is beyond excited!  Yesterday was her dress rehearsal…full costume, make-up, and hair done. 

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They first started by finding their places on the stage.

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Then they ran through their dance two times and worked out any kinks they had.

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Because Reese was sick last Friday she missed her last ballet class but I think getting to be up on this big stage made up for that.

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She seemed to be in awe and completely comfortable.

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All of the parents were standing at the edge of the stage snapping pictures and videos.  The girls didn’t seemed to be distracted at all by this.

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I hope Reese will be just as comfortable tonight for the recital as she was during rehearsal.

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This picture below is one of my favorites.  It just makes her look like such the little ballerina.

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She LOVES ballet and I know she is going to love it just as much next year.

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Here she is with her little buddy Callie.  We met Callie at gymnastics and then followed her to ballet once Reese saw a video of Callie dancing.

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After their rehearsal they wanted to watch all of the other little princesses dance.  We were there for two hours watching rehearsals because Reese did not want to leave.

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I know she is going to have a blast tonight and I can not wait to see it all.