Reese’s recital was last night at 7:00. We decided that it would be best to leave Sam home with the babysitter so that we could enjoy it and give Reese all of our attention. Before we left I wanted to grab some pictures of Reese in her full costume, make-up and hair. She was being a little silly!

Seriously I think she was in heaven last night. She was grinning from ear to ear.

Thanks to Lindsey who pulled up right at this exact moment (you can see her car in the reflection of the window) and helped to put this gigantic smile on Reese’s face. Reese wanted everybody to see her in her costume and to watch her dance. She would have invited all of her friends if I had let her.

When we finally got to the school Reese had quieted down quite a bit. It was a lot to take in. There were dancers everywhere backstage. They had tables set up for all of the little ones to color while they waited. There were also TVs with a live feed set up so that they could watch what was happening on the stage. As I was leaving I told her to have fun and to smile big.

Reese’s class danced to “Once Upon A Dream” from “Sleeping Beauty”. Miss Amanda played the part of Sleeping Beauty in their dance. When they came out on to the stage, Reese had the biggest grin on her face and did the best I have seen her do with this dance. I honestly did not take my eyes off of her the entire dance…and I cried when it was over! What is my problem lately? I have been crying over a lot! I was just so proud of her!

After the first half, the little ballerina’s came out to be with their parents (and family). Reese was so excited to see everyone who came to cheer her on. Everybody wanted a picture and she smiled for each of them once but then said she was done taking pictures.

She came home with more flowers than I had at my wedding I think. Ha!

Reese and I decided to stay for the second half of the show so that she could she her assistant teacher dance. During the fifth number the fire alarm started going off. They had been testing it that day and thought they had resolved the issue but apparently not. The girls that were dancing when it started going off were probably 12 or so and they didn’t even flinch. “The show must go on!” We waited it out for a while to see if it would stop. But it was 9:45 and I bribed Reese with a milkshake if she would go. She jumped on that quickly! She did get to see Miss Megan dance in four dances (they just danced with the music turned up really loud over the sirens) so she was happy and I was happy to get her home and in bed before 11:00.
What a sweet, sweet night we had!! I am SOOOOO proud of my sweet little ballerina.