
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Go Jackets!

Earlier this week I saw that the weather was going to be beautiful for the weekend. I immediately sent Lance a text to ask if there was a Georgia Tech game Saturday because the weather was going to be so nice. He said yes and then we both sent each other a text at the same time that said, “Wanna go?”. So that was a done deal.

Today we headed down to Georgia Tech to watch GT v. Kansas. The game was at 12:30 so we got down there a little early to check out all the fun going on before the game. We swung by the bookstore first and it was a mad house so we didn’t stay there long. We then headed down to the campus. Reese and Sam were both decked out in their Tech gear.

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Reese wanted to get a a yellow jacket airbrushed on her face.

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It was super cute and she was excited.

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We then went over to be outside of the stadium where the cheerleaders, dance team, and band come to perform before the game. Reese leaned over and whispered to me that she could “see those girls belly buttons”. Once their performance is over they kind of lead the way in to the stadium.

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We actually didn’t buy tickets before we went downtown because we wanted to see how everybody was holding up before we spent the money. As soon as the performance outside the stadium was over, we were all in the mood for some more excitement. We walked a little ways away from the stadium and found a man selling tickets and we bought them. We made it back in to the stadium in time to see the band, cheerleaders, and players come out on the field.

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I think Reese was most excited about her frozen lemonade. It was much hotter in the sunny stadium than it had been walking around outside. Luckily everyone had layers on so we were able to cool off some.

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Tech scored very early on and continued to play well the rest of the game. Sam cheered the whole time we were there and loved it!

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Reese had her moments but this seems to sum up how she felt about the game while we were there.

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We had a late night Friday night so we started melting down during the second quarter…right at nap time.

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We waited a little too late (right before half time) to have our family picture taken and Sam just wasn’t interested. This was the best we could do and the lady taking the picture took six pictures. Ha!

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We all got a little too much sun, had a little too much junk, but had a wonderful time. I am so glad we were able to enjoy this beautiful day together!


Carrie Beth said...

Fun! I can't wait to take our kids to a college football game. We've been tailgating but never in the game. You make it look easy...even at naptime!

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you had fun Renee! I meant to ask you this morning if you got a good deal on the tickets. We are still debating whether we should take Harrison to a game! (Alabama that is :) )