Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sleeping and Eating
We started Reese on vegetables today. She ate green beans and gagged every time I put them in her mouth. It was hilarious. We have a video but I have not loaded it yet. I will soon...
Congrats to my cousin Michael and his wife Zoe...they just found out they will be having a little girl in May!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
They keep coming

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Saturday we started our whirlwind of parties and visiting with the McKinleys. We had lunch with them and spent the afternoon at their house. It was great visiting with them as always and we can't wait to do it again.
Maddie, Jodie, and Reese

Sunday we went to my aunt and uncles house for Christmas with my dad's family. The Florida folks didn't make it up this year and we missed them greatly. Reese got tons of cute presents while we were there and she can't wait to play with them all.
My grandparents with Reese

After Christmas with my dad's family we spent the night with my parents and had Christmas eve with them. That morning my Mom, Becca and I got a pedicure while Lance stayed home with Reese and my dad and Leah worked. That evening we went to Lance's sisters house and spent Christmas day with them. Reese got some wonderful presents (as did Lance and I) and we can't wait to see her enjoy them all.
Here is a picture of her enjoying some sunglasses from my cousin Bryan, her Bebe Pod from my parents and her Music Station from Lance's parents.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Jacksonville and Back Home
Today Reese is five months old. We went to the doctor this morning to get her Hib and IPV vaccinations. She was a trooper. She only cried until I picked her up. She weighed 18 lbs and 11 oz...which is 1 pound and 10 ounces more than three weeks ago...wow. It must be the cereal. She did have her clothes on this time though...so take away a few ounces. I also think she is teething. She screamed and cried last night and would not go to bed. She finally went to sleep shortly after 10:00 and then slept until 6:45. Her little cheeks are red and she is enjoying chewing on her chew toys.
The rest of the week is going to be super busy. Tomorrow and Friday I need to finish Christmas shopping. I said I would not be shopping last minute this year but here I am less than a week before Christmas and I am not done yet! Then we will be full of Christmas visits starting Saturday.
Reese pushing herself up with her arms...she is getting to be such a big girl
Thursday, December 13, 2007
What kind of accent do you have?
Here are my results:
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
The Northeast | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Monday, December 10, 2007