Reese and Belle
Monday, March 31, 2008
Nashville and back
Reese and Belle
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Catch up of pictures

Checking out what the Easter Bunny brought

This is the only picture I got of her in her Easter dress. My mom got a bunch of cute ones so I will have to get those to share.

Being happy...sorry about my arm

Out of all of the toys I have, I really only want to play with Mommy's stuff!!

Who needs a treadmill...maybe she is on to something.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sweet Baby
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
March for Babies
Monday, March 24, 2008
You have got to be kidding... is snowing!!!!!!! Yes, snowing. It is not heavy but if it kills my work I am going to be so mad! It has snowed three seperate times. If you look outside it is gorgeous. The sky is blue and only partly cloudy. Where the snow is coming from, I have no idea!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
As Lance reported yesterday, Reese is now crawling. She is officially uncontainable. I can no longer put her in one place and know that she will stay there...I can no longer sit her on my bed and know that she will not fall off...I can no longer lay her on the changing table with out her rolling around trying to move...I can no longer leave the outlets unplugged...I can no longer leave things out in her reach...Wow...Our world just totally changed...but it is amazing!! Below is a video of her crawling...and of course going right towards something she should not be playing with. Lance said she has been eyeing all of these things to get in to for the last eight months so she is making up for lost time. Don't ask me what is going on with her is uncontrollable. It curls on top and will not lay down at all. It looks best with a bow in it but now she has learned that the bow is there and pulls it out and puts it in her mouth!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Crawling update
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Eight Months
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Trying So Hard
Monday, March 17, 2008
Busy Week Number 34
Reese pulling on Caleb's ear

Caleb saying "stop!"

Our little cowgirl!

Being silly with the Birthday Girl

Dalton loves Reese

Cheering for Brody with Aunt Kathy

Brody ready to knock one out of the park

Friday, March 14, 2008
Hold Up
1) As I am looking through last nights recap on the site I discover that Michael is Ben's spy...what?? I totally didn't catch that. I just thought Michael had been held captive by the boat and put to work.
2) Apparently the tombstone said that Jin died in the crash so they were actually flashing back in his life. What? I totally thought they were flashing forward but I couldn't figure out how he died. Apparently the year of the dragon was in 2000. Hmmm... And I thought Jin was going to be one of the Oceanic 6!! Who do we have now...Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, and Sun? The spoilers I read were wrong!!
3) The girl that was reading the book that was upside down is the one that jumped overboard. Man I really need to pay more attention!!
4) Paulo and Nikki were on the screen shot when Sun was turning the TV off...what?
I guess if you don't watch Lost you have no idea what I am talking about here. If you do watch Lost, can you help me out?? I think I am too literal to watch this show. I don't think deep enough about what I am seeing.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Well, here are some pictures from this past week.
One of Reese's new favorite things to do is sit in front of her toy baskets and take everything out.
Here she is in the downstairs toy basket.

Monday, March 3, 2008
Itch, Itch
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Family Fun Day
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words
Reese eating a "Biter Bar"

I don't know

It still does it for me!!

Back up...your getting too close Buddy. We had a playdate with Caleb from Church this week. He is ten months old and he would crawl right up to Reese and just look at her.

Great-Papa's highchair when he was a baby.

Great-Grammy, Reese, and Lissa

Maddie reading an Easter book to Reese.

Happy Birthdays McKinley's...All of them have a birthday in March!

Reese and Daddy

My anniversary present!!! Love it!