Leah is a Paramedic. Her whole life she has wanted to be on an ambulance or something of that sort. When we were little she was ALWAYS watching ER/OR shows where they were cutting some one open or something else equally as nasty! Becca and I would always make her change the channel...I am sure we wanted to watch Saved by the Bell or something equally as stupid! She is brave...at least when it comes to other people. If Becca or I ever got hurt when we were little, Leah was the first one to cry. She is a softy! She would worry about me and Becca over anything else!! She always made sure we were safe and protected. When it comes to her job she knows what she is doing. She hasn't lost that innocents of hurt. Her patients are important to her and she does everything she can to help them...even if they are resisting the help. She has seen some of the craziest things any one can imagine working in the areas of Atlanta that she has. Each person that comes in to contact with her is lucky because she has shown them the size of her heart. She has one of the biggest and softest hearts of anyone I know. She is loving and caring to everyone...some times to her detriment.
Becca is a Resourse Teacher (Special Education). She has always been outgoing and loving. She was always the first of us to do anything. When she decided to be a teacher I knew that was the perfect path for her. Kids love her...probably because she acts like a kid herself. Even though there is a lot of stress that comes with her position I know she is the perfect fit for her kids. With her outgoing ways she captures their attention and respect. She is silly, fun, and crazy. She helps her kids everyday with learning the ways of the world. She wants success for them...sometimes more than their parents do. She too has a loving and caring heart and will do anything for anybody. Her kids will definitely be better people having had her as their teacher.
I am so lucky to have such amazing sisters. They are both unique. As we were growing up we knew that the others were always there for us. If you messed with one of us, you had all three to answer to. I remember on several occasions going out with one of my sisters looking for someone who hurt the other sister to let them know we did not appreciate it. I love them so much and am so grateful to have had the oppurtunity to grow up with them and have such wonderful relationships with them.
A life long prayer answered----tear drop. And THEIR sister is pretty dadgum special too!!
Lots and lots of love and admiration for you. You have touched my heart.
Without a doubt, and I know Becca will agree, I could not have asked for a better older sister. Without you Nay, we wouldn't be the women that we are today. You are an amazing woman with an amazing heart. You were the one that was there for the two of us when we needed to cry (and God knows I've done a lot of it!)... When we needed to laugh... When we needed to vent. You have always been the one that has pulled us together when things felt like they might fall apart. Together as sisters we have formed an amazing bound that is unbreakable. So as proud of us as you are, we are equally as proud of you. I am amazed, yet not surprised, at what a wonderful mother you are. I watch you with beautiful Reese and see your natural ability to nurture and care for her. I see the love that you have for her in your eyes... I hear it in your voice when you talk about her... I read it in what you write. I remember you saying as we were growing up that you wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. I am so happy that is what you are able to do. I could not be more proud to call you MY BIG SIS. I love you, Renee. Thank you for what you wrote about me. And yes, I cried... But is that something that you really have to ask? By now we should all know that tears are a given. Tell your wonderful husband that I love him too. Kiss my baby and tell her that her Aunt Leah loves her.
In response...
My sisters are my role models, my confidants, everything I hope to become. They are my best friends and amazing creatures. God sure knew what he was doing when he put us all together! When everyone has walked out, my sisters are walking towards me with a smile and hug to make sure everything is okay. I love you!
Wow! I was not expecting to cry when I read your blog today. Usually I laugh at the silly things Reece has done. You are all wonderful and so lucky to have the relationship that you do between the three of you. Nothing is stronger than the bond of a sister. Now, I feel like I should call mine and tell them how much they mean to me. Love you guys!
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