At the last minute (as usual), Lance and I decided to take the kids to the Sesame Street Live show at Phillips Arena. We had already reserved our free CFA breakfast for 8:30 this morning so we chose the 10:30 SSL show to go to. We didn’t tell the kids we were doing anything special until last night and then we didn’t even tell them what that was. When Reese woke up this morning she asked us but we told her we would tell her later. Lance ended up whispering to Sam that we were going to the Elmo show. Reese asked him what we were doing and he said, “Melmo’s World”. She didn’t believe him. I gave her a couple of options on clothes to wear and asked her if she wanted to wear her Abby Caddaby shirt we bought when we went to see Sesame Street Live two years ago. She chose the Abby shirt. When we finally got to CFA we told her that Sam was right and that we were headed to see the Elmo show so we needed to hurry and eat. She was super excited!
We arrived at Phillips with plenty of time to spare. Walking in we saw the same Elmo poster Reese had taken her picture with the last time so we had to duplicate it.

We had to get the little man with Elmo too. He was so excited.

We walked to our seats and then I pulled out some glow-in-the-dark bracelets I bought at Target. I thought this would be a great way to avoid buying the expensive toys at the show. I gave Reese a bracelet and made her a necklace out of two of them. Sam wanted a bracelet too so I put one on his wrist. A few minutes later he started screaming while sitting in Lance’s lap. Lance saw him pull the bracelet out of his mouth and immediately looked to make sure the clasp was still on it…it was. We then realized he had punctured the bracelet with his teeth. After reading the label on the bag the bracelets came in we decided to call Poison Control. Nothing like a little excitement to start the show. Turns out there is not enough of the liquid in the bracelet to poison kids but it apparently has a really horrible taste and that is what caused Sam’s screaming. Nothing a little water couldn’t help.

We got settled back in our seats and ready for the show.

The grandpa next to us took a family picture for us…I didn’t have the heart to ask him to do it again so this is the best we got.

Right at 10:30 the show started.

Sam got nervous when he saw the characters on stage. He eventually got comfortable and realized they were not going to come off of the stage.

Reese sang and danced with the show and had a great time.

They both were in awe and had a great time. Sam said “Abby?” or “Elmo?” every time they were missing from the stage.

The kids played musical chairs through out the show and ended up sitting with each of us at different times.

Sam, obviously, was not allowed to have any more glow-in-the-dark bracelets but Reese enjoyed seeing hers glow through out the show.

After the show we went in to the CNN center and had Moe’s for lunch. Once we finished lunch we went out to Centennial Olympic Park to run and play.

It was a pretty far walk to get over to the playground but it was such a beautiful day we couldn’t pass it up.

The kids had a lot of fun playing on the slide.

Look at how excited Reese is to see Sam going down the rolling slide for the first time.

I tried to get a cute picture of them together but I just couldn’t get it to work out.

They both enjoyed the swings.

And then it was time to go home. They wanted so bad to stop at every body of water and get in and play. We were able to keep them away for the most part.

And because I want these memories to be as authentic as possible…
The whining is about to make me CA-RAY-ZEE! Sometimes it just takes the fun out of things. I need to figure out a way to stop it or Reese might just spend the rest of her life in her room.