There hasn’t been much going on around here lately. We have just been back in the swing of life after the holidays and I have been bad about even pulling the camera out. I am making it a goal to try to get some more pictures over the next couple of weeks because I really don’t want to miss out on the sweetness going on around here.
Friday night we had our neighborhood friends over for pizza and a movie. The girls have not played together since before Christmas because they go out of town for the whole two weeks of break. They were so excited to see each other. They all sat down to have a picnic and watch the movie while the parents played catch-up at the table. They are planning a Disney trip right now so there was a lot of Disney talk happening.

Saturday morning we laid around for a bit and then went out for lunch and to go shopping for Sam a big boy bed. We didn’t make any purchases but found several we liked. By this age, Reese was already in her big girl bed because we were weeks from having Sam. I am just keeping him in his crib for as long as possible. Would it be horrible for him to start kindergarten still in a crib?
When we returned home it was nap time so we got both kids ready for a nap, I put Sam down and we surprised Reese with a trip to the movie theater to see Beauty and the Beast in 3-d. She did very well all week with her chore chart and that was her reward. She loved going but didn’t love wearing the glasses. She would take them off for a while and then wear them again. We had a great “girl party” and then we picked the boys up and went furniture shopping a little more.
After church today the kids took a nap and Lance went in to the office for a little while. Ok, I took a nap too. It was fabulous! After the kids were up we were lazy for a while watching movies (I read a book) and playing on the computer/ipad/iphones.
A couple of weeks ago Reese’s class was talking about the letter ‘M’ and their teacher gave them all masks. Reese came home and decided she wanted to be a superhero. So she wore her mask and I tied a blanket around her as a cape. Well, Sam was fascinated by this and has been eyeing that mask any time it is left alone. Reese eventually got tired of the mask and was fine to let Sam play with it.

Tonight, Sam ran up to me with the mask on and yelling, “I a superhero!”. He is such a fun and silly kid!
I could not have planned a better way to end my evening with the kids.