- Posted from my iPhone
I feel like our summer has been super busy so far. We haven’t really had any time to just sit and enjoy it. However, the kids have squeezed in some fun stuff during the times that I am making dinner, cleaning up, etc.
One day they decided they wanted to be super heroes. Reese begged me to make them some costumes. She had these extravagant requests that would have involved a lot of time. The problem was they came up with this idea around 4:30. I usually start making dinner around 5:00 and none of my sewing stuff was out. They begged and begged so I said I could do something quick for them but it wouldn’t have everything they were asking for. So I quickly cut out a square of fabric for each of them and sewed it on to a t-shirt.
They loved them. They were totally ok with the fact that it didn’t have all the extra decorations that they wanted. Both of them ran around outside like super heroes the whole time I made dinner. What a fun and easy little project that created hours of fun for them.
Reese loves any kind of art project and asks to paint quite often. I think Sam enjoys it too but I also thinks he just enjoys doing anything Reese does. They wanted to paint some pictures for Father’s Day. Reese painted a picture of Lance playing golf that we included with his golf gift certificate. On the back we wrote, “This is good for one free day of golf”.
They have also been enjoying the Jeep. Reese has really figured out how to drive it and control it. She has had a lot of fun. And Sam loves being her passenger...
Well, that is until he figured out how to drive it himself. He climbed in the Jeep and we told him his legs weren’t long enough to reach the peddle. All of a sudden he takes off with a huge grin on his face. He figured out he just needed to slide up to reach. He goes around in circles but loves it the whole time.
Hopefully our summer will slow down some and we can just be for a little while. I want to soak up all this time with the kids before summer slips away from us.
Today Reese was able to feel Baby Gummy Bear kick! As of yesterday I was only feeling him down below my belly button. He was laying sideways and I really could only feel him inside. I had not felt the kicks from outside yet. This morning we were all laying in our bed and I felt a kick up near the lower part of my ribs. Apparently the little pumpkin turn lengthways last night and now the feet are pointed towards my head. I could see and feel the kicks so I told Reese to feel. I put her hand where the kicks were and her eyes got big when she felt it. She was so excited and yelled to Lance (who was getting ready for work) that she felt Baby Gummy Bear. I tried to let Sam feel too but he is so active himself he couldn’t sit still long enough to feel the kicks. By the time Lance was ready the baby wasn’t kicking around anymore. I can’t wait for the boys to feel the kicks soon!
Sunday we celebrated Lance and the great daddy that he is. We woke up early and got ready for church. Reese couldn’t wait to give Lance his presents so we did that before we left.
We gave him a new sports watch. He didn’t like his old one because he thought the face was too small so I went on a hunt for a larger one.
We also gave him a gift certificate to a local golf course. The wife of one of his best friends did the same thing so they could have a guys day.
After church we went to a restaurant at the local airport.
The restaurant over looks the runway so you can see the planes landing and taking off. We also saw a couple of helicopters come in and leave.
We all had a great time together!! We all liked the view and the food.
After a quick rest time we headed to the pool for some afternoon fun. We had a great day and are so grateful for all Lance does for us.
Last night Reese had her ballet recital. Oh my goodness, was it precious!! She is so cute on the stage and just loves it.
This year’s theme was American Girls. Each of the graduating seniors represented an American Girl Doll and then the little ones did dances that represented that character.
In the beginning, Reese’s class was supposed to be Marie-Grace. The costumes they have matched that dolls outfit perfectly. At the last minute they changed some of the classes up with their doll and decided Reese’s class would dance after the Samantha doll since Samantha is from New York.
They danced to the song “Elegance” from “Hello Dolly”. Since this song talks about New York, I guess it went better with the Samantha doll. (Marie-Grace is from New Orleans.)
This is Reese’s whole class with the senior, “Samantha”.
Reese had a huge cheering section!
Granddaddy and Gigi
Reese and Brody
Gaga, Aunt Kathy, and Brody with Reese
Papa and Grammy
Aunt Becky and Reese
We all had a lot of fun cheering Reese on. She looked so beautiful and had a huge grin. She also loved all the flowers she received.
Reese and I stayed for the second half of the show. She loved watching the big girls dance. When we were leaving I was just about to tell her how proud of her I was when she looked up at me and asked, “Are you so proud of me?”. Of course, Reesey Baby Girl, I am so proud of you!! You are a beautiful dancer and precious little girl.