I can’t believe it! I blinked my eyes and Reese’s kindergarten year is over.

I had no idea how emotional it would be for her. Last night as we were getting ready for bed Reese cried and cried about how she was going to miss her teachers. I really thought she was crying because she had gotten in trouble with Lance a few minutes before that. When I asked what was wrong she broke down again to tell me.

This morning she was not excited at all that it was the last day of school. And I don’t think she really wanted to take these pictures. Lance had offered to take her to breakfast before school so we got up and going a little earlier than normal.

She loves this dress because it spins but she wasn’t in much of a spinning mood. I tried to get her happy and requested a spin.

Sam needed in on the action too. This is what he looks like when Lance is in charge of getting him ready…ha!

When I was taking these pictures Lance said, “We are out early enough for you to ride the bus.” Over the weekend Reese had asked if she could ride the bus to school on Monday. She has not once wanted to ride the bus to school. She actually pitched a huge fit when I suggested we start doing that back in January. I had said no to her request over the weekend. However, today when she said she would rather ride the bus to school than go to breakfast with Lance, we let her.

My friend, Anna, works at Reese’s school and her daughter is in the same class. When she went to take a picture of her daughter with the teachers, she got pictures of Reese with their teachers too.
This is Mrs. Wright. She is the teacher. On the first parent night she said she would hold our kids to the same standard she holds her own kids and she did!! She expected a lot from them and I truly think she was the perfect teacher to help Reese learn all that she did this year.

This is Ms. Christian. She is the parapro. Even though Reese loved both of her teachers, I think Ms. Christian was her favorite. She kept each of the kids in line and didn’t put up with anything! I loved hearing her and her marching orders. She is so fun and loving. When Anna sent me these pictures she said, “I think Reese is Ms. Christian’s favorite!”

After school was out I got this picture from Anna. Hallie came home with Reese to play today. When the picture came through I was at the bus stop so I didn’t see it until we got home. Along with the picture it said, “Poor Reese has been crying for the last 30 minutes.”

These pictures are so blurry because Reese came running off the bus with the biggest tears streaming down her face.

Look at Hallie. Perfectly poised and looking at Reese like she is crazy. Lance and Sam had brought water guns to the bus stop with them to spray the girls with and welcome them to summer. But when he saw Reese crying he put a stop to the fun. I had to just let her cry when we got home and then told her she needed to lock it up.

I had a cookie cake made at Kroger that says, “Welcome to Summer”. She was excited to see it.

Since it was early release today the kids had lunch at 9:30 this morning. We decided that we would take them to Chick-fil-A for a real lunch. Reese was finally in a good mood and the girls had a lot of fun at lunch.

Here comes summer!